January 14, 2024
‘This is your Captain Speaking’ by Rob Cane
On Tuesday 16 January, former Exit director Rob Cane, died in Switzerland.
It had been a roller-coaster ride for the 87-year old.
Read the February 2024 eDeliverance Newsletter – dedicated to Captain Rob Cane.
Exit Member Number ‘860’, Rob was a supporter of Exit for over 20 years.
A former pilot of the Airbus A320, he was partnered for 46 years to lawyer and ‘gentleman farmer’, Keith Stott.
Keith died in 2018, leaving Rob to negotiate the trials of old age as an openly gay man on his own.
While originally from Adelaide, Rob was a long-time resident of North Carlton in inner Melbourne where he was well known in the community.

Out front of his house in North Carlton
Rob’s health began to deteriorate once his prostate cancer started racing.
Rob may have been able to qualify for the Victorian assisted dying law, but this is not what he wanted.
He is/was always clear that the decision to die (when the time came) should be his and on one else’s.

Rob at the Peanut Project, 2007
He did not want to have to die by someone else’s time line.
Switzerland became his preferred option in comparison.
The medical interference in his autonomy would be kept to a minimum and his wishes respected and honored.

With Russell in Switzerland, 13 January 2024
Rob was a much-loved member of the Exit family.

Exit International conference in Melbourne, 2016
His friends wereby his side.
As Rob used to say, ‘over and out’!

Captain Robert Cane
You are ‘cleared for take off!’ Captain Robert Cain.