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The Exit Internationalist

May 27, 2024

Sean Davison Leaves Exit

Resignation Letter

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Dear Exit Community,

May 31 will be my final day at Exit International.

Although I’m resigning, I will always remain a loyal member of Exit, committed to Exit’s vision.

Working on the Swiss program was one of the most rewarding and uplifting experiences of my life.

The memories of the beautiful deaths I witnessed in Switzerland I will treasure forever.

I intend to take a complete break for a few months over the summer to consider my options.

This will also give me an opportunity to spend some quality time with my children, who have been somewhat neglected due to my long working hours.

I will be forever grateful to Philip and Fiona for not only giving me the opportunity to serve Exit International, but for being the driving force for getting my family (and dogs) out of South Africa, to the safe and secure environment of England.

I will always remain loyal to Exit International.

And your friend,

Yours in gratitude,

Sean Davison


Sean leaves Exit’s Swiss Programs in the very capable hands of his colleague, Swiss-Kiwi national, Kaya.

Kaya has been working closely with Sean behind the scenes for the past six months.

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