Exit Barbiturate Test Kit
Kit with test cassette and syringe

Nitrite Test Kit
A kit with a pipette and a digital scale, .

Nembutal Sampler Kit
A kit with syringes and containers for forwarding samples to the laboratory.

I Bequeath the Python…
An easy and fun guide to prepare you for your ‘Passing Out’ parade

Killing Me Softly: VE & Road to the Peaceful Pill
by Philip Nitschke & Fiona Stewart. Now available direct from Exit International

Mademoiselle & the Doctor DVD
Retired French Academic, Lisette Nigot, died because she did not want to turn 80 …

The Online Peaceful Pill eHandbook
Updated 6x per year. Subscription inc videos + PP forums (on approval)

The Peaceful Pill Handbook
The original print edition for those not online

Going to Switzerland
How to plan your final exit