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The Exit Internationalist

August 6, 2017

PRESS RELEASE: NZ report drives interest in DIY euthanasia options

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Exit International claims there will be a number of direct consequences that will flow from the release of the NZ Parliamentary Health Select Committee review into euthanasia and assisted suicide. The report fails to make any recommendations that would lead to a change in the Crimes Act that would allow any legal assistance to suicide, and as such will have the direct effect of encouraging New Zealander’s to seek their own DIY end of life options.

Speaking from Amsterdam, Exit Director Dr Philip Nitschke said that the report’s findings had disappointed many of his members who agreed with Maryan Street’s comments that the report was ‘cowardly and disappointing’.

“What it does make clear though, is that New Zealanders have to look after themselves if they want to effect any real end of life choice”

Exit International seeks to ensure that NZ members do have the ability to reliably and peacefully end their lives when they choose by getting access to the best information and also the methods that enable this choice.

“Despite that actions of the NZ police, and ‘Operation Painter’ targeting Exit and those who seek to get their own euthanasia drugs, our members continue to take this course, and the failure of the parliamentary report will further encourage this practice.

Dr Nitschke is about to start a six week tour of Australia running “Euthanasia & Suicide for Dummies” Workshops in all Australian states.

Plans are in place to run this same workshop series in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch in Feb 2018.
For Information:
Exit Legal, Tash Russell  tel:  +61 420 499 656   or   Philip Nitschke    tel:  +31 6 30 966 992      or
6th  August 2107

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