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The Exit Internationalist

October 1, 2023

Widower suicide spurs euthanasia drug worry

The Australian newspaper reports that a ‘Widower suicide spurs euthanasia drug worry’. Voluntary assisted dying advocates insist euthanasia drugs should continue to be dispensed to dying people at home despite an elderly Queensland widower taking the lethal substance meant for his terminally ill wife. In the first suspected abuse of a VAD scheme in Australia, […]

September 25, 2023

Alabama seeks to execute prisoner using nitrogen gas


(Reuters) -The Supreme Court of Alabama is weighing whether to allow the state to become the first to execute a prisoner with a novel method: asphyxiation using nitrogen gas, by Jonathan Allen. Last month, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall asked the court to allow the state to proceed with gassing Kenneth Smith, who was convicted […]

September 25, 2023

September 2023 Essentials PPeH Update

This month Exit has published an update to the Poison’s Chapter in the Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials. The Chapter is now modified to take account of important new safety information concerning hydrogen sulphide. Log In PPeH Essentials Subscribe Now Not getting updates? Transfer to the Essentials Edition Now

September 9, 2023

Why I am voting YES – Philip Nitschke

It is not often that I stray into mainstream politics, but the forthcoming Australian Referendum on a Voice to Parliament is one issue that I cannot stay silent about. I am voting YES because Aboriginal people have received a raw deal from us white Australians for over 200 years (to put it mildly). Genocide and […]

September 3, 2023

Breaching the stalemate on VAD: it’s time to move beyond a medicalised approach

‘Breaching the stalemate on assisted dying: it’s time to move beyond a medicalised approach’ by Nancy Preston, professor of supportive and palliative care, Sheila Payne, professor of palliative care & Suzanne Ost, professor of law Despite growing legal and medical support for assisted dying, many healthcare professionals do not want to be directly involved. Could […]

August 13, 2023

How to Organise an Assisted Death in Switzerland

How to Organise an Assisted Death Switzerland Going to Switzerland: How to Plan your Final Exit is a hands-on, practical guide to help foreigners plan for a voluntary assisted death (VAD) in Switzerland. Published in August 2023, Going to Switzerland provides a step-by-step guide that explains why it is that non-Swiss nationals can get help […]

July 30, 2023

Dr Death and his search for the best way to die

De Volkskrant, by Maud Effting & Haro Kraak

Dr. Death and his search for the best way to die writes Maud Effting and Haro Kraak in de Volkskrant, NL As founder of Exit International, Philip Nitschke fights for access to information about a soft, self- chosen death. “I think every adult with common sense is entitled to that.” On his idyllic houseboat near […]

July 18, 2023

Dutchman Sentenced to 3 Years over Middel X Supply

Algemeen Dagblad

Alex S. Sentenced to 3.5 Years in Prison for supplying Suicide Drug The court in Den Bosch sentenced Alex S. today to 3.5 years in prison, of which 1.5 years is suspended for, among other things, supplying the lethal substance, Middel-X (sodium azide). At least ten of the people that he supplied the substance to […]