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The Exit Internationalist

January 11, 2024

Nitrogen is to be used for Inhumane Execution

Exit Founder & Director, Dr Philip Nitschke, says he is appalled and devastated that Nitrogen is to be used for Inhumane Execution by the State of Alabama in news today that the State has decided to go ahead with the execution of Kenny Smith using nitrogen hypoxia. Having inspected, tried on and assessed the mask […]

January 10, 2024

Australia’s Dr Death fights for condemned killer in US

Australia’s Dr Death fights for condemned killer in US reports Tracey Ferrier at Australian Associated Press. Australia’s Dr Death has taken the stand in defence of a condemned man, warning US officials who botched his first execution could be about to do it again. Kenneth Smith is due to die in Alabama on January 25 […]

January 10, 2024

Australia’s Dr Death fights for condemned killer in US

Australia’s Dr Death fights for condemned killer in US, writes Tracey Ferrier of Australian Associated Press. Australia’s Dr Death has taken the stand in defence of a condemned man, warning US officials who botched his first execution could be about to do it again. Kenneth Smith is due to die in Alabama on January 25 […]

December 28, 2023

Season’s Greetings

Dear Exit Members Thank you for your support during 2023 and we hope you stay with us in 2024. This will be an exceptional year for the organisation as the Sarco will be used for the first time. We kickstart the year with an East coast Australian tour. This workshop begins in Melbourne on 5 […]

December 17, 2023

2nd Degree Murder Charges for the ‘Poison King’

Former Canadian chef, Ken Law, was this week given 14 2nd-degree murder charges on top of the 14 assisted suicide charges he faces. The Peel (Ontario Canada) Police say that the new charges relate to the same 14 victims. It could be speculated that the Police will allege that Law acted with ‘an abandoned heart’ […]

December 3, 2023

Court Rules Voluntary Assisted Dying is the same as Suicide

The Federal Court Rules Voluntary Assisted Dying is the same as Suicide under criminal law, meaning doctors who give patients information about euthanasia over the phone could face criminal charges reports the Courier Mail. Federal Court Justice Wendy Abraham on Thursday ruled the term “suicide” as used in the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 (via […]

December 2, 2023

Voluntary assisted dying becomes available in New South Wales

Voluntary assisted dying becomes available in New South Wales for eligible patients from Tuesday after legislation was passed last year reports Laurence Karacsony of SkyNews NSW is the last state to allow VAD since the passing of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act in May 2022. Eligible patients who suffer from terminal illnesses will be able […]

November 27, 2023

ECHR Begins Hearing Right-to-Die Case

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) began hearing the case of Hungarian constitutional lawyer Daniel Karsai on Monday, in what observers say has raised long-overdue debates in Hungary about self-determination and ending life with dignity. Karsai, 47, is terminally ill with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a form of motor neurone disease, and is arguing […]