May 17, 2015
The Last Day of her Life: Story of Professor Sandy Bem
Robin Marantz Henig, New York Times
When Sandy Bem found out she had Alzheimer’s, she resolved that before the disease stole her mind, she would kill herself. The question was, when? Sandy Bem, a Cornell psychology professor one month shy of her 65th birthday, was alone in her bedroom one night in May 2009, watching an HBO documentary called “The Alzheimer’s […]
May 17, 2015
The last day of her life, The New York Times
Robin Marantz Henig, The New York Times
When Sandy Bem found out she had Alzheimer’s, she resolved that before the disease stole her mind, she would kill herself. The question was, when? Sandy Bem, a Cornell psychology professor one month shy of her 65th birthday, was alone in her bedroom one night in May 2009, watching an HBO documentary called “The Alzheimer’s […]
April 28, 2015
Gail O’Rorke found “not guilty” of assisted suicide
Gail O’Rorke has been acquitted at the Circuit Criminal Court of helping her friend take her own life. Ms O’Rorke was found not guilty of attempting to aid Bernadette Forde (51) in travelling to the Dignitas euthanasia centre in Switzerland between March and April, 2011. There were loud screams from her family in the body […]
April 28, 2015
Dr Philip Nitschke on BBC Hardtalk
BBC Hardtalk, with Zeinab Badawi
Watch Dr Philip Nitschke on BBC Hardtalk with Zeinab Badawi as he argues that a good death is the fundamental human right of all rational adults, not only the terminally ill. “If we’re going to acknowledge the right to life, we’ve got to be able to recognise the right to dispose of that gift. And […]
April 27, 2015
Dicing with Dr Death
One week down and two to go. ‘Dicing with Dr Death‘ premieres at the 2015 EdFringe. Show Synopsis There have only ever been nine Dr Deaths, but with most of his namesake’s dead, and the Russian serving 12 life sentences in Siberia, Australia’s own euthanasia doctor Philip Nitschke is now master of ceremonies, teaching the […]
April 23, 2015
Breaking News: Irish assisted suicide trial
A jury at the Circuit Criminal Court has been sent home for the night after earlier beginning deliberations on a verdict in the trial of a Dublin woman charged with attempting to assist the suicide of another woman by making arrangements for her to travel to Zurich. Gail O’Rorke, 43, was last week acquitted on […]
April 16, 2015
Australia’s Dr Death Fears Arrest in Britain
Sydney Morning Herald, Julia Medew
Australia’s “Dr Death”, Philip Nitschke, fears he could be arrested by British police when he attends an interview about his euthanasia advocacy work in the UK on Thursday. Dr Nitschke said London’s Metropolitan Police had requested a cautioned interview with him this week and that his lawyers had warned him of a “small but nevertheless […]
April 1, 2015
Nitschke fight heads to Supreme Court
The medical profession should engage with euthanasia rather than trying to silence people, campaigner Philip Nitschke says. Dr Nitschke will take his battle with the Medical Board of Australia to the Supreme Court on Wednesday, after it upheld the suspension of his medical licence. It was suspended in July, a year after Perth man Nigel […]