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The Exit Internationalist

October 30, 2014

Spike in Exit Membership

Philip Nitschke Blog

In July 2014 Exit Membership underwent an extraordinary spike and record growth of the organisation’s Australian membership was recorded. The only possible explanation was the screening on July 3rd of the ABC 7.30 Report story that looked into the death of alleged West Australian serial killer Nigel Brayley and his contact with Exit International and […]

October 26, 2014

‘Is there anybody out there?’ asks Darwin man Martin Burgess

Daily Mail Australia by Lillian Radulova

A 71-year-old terminally ill Darwin man has died in what has been described as a ‘clear cut case of suicide’ after appealing for euthanasia drugs over social media. Martin Burgess had been suffering from rectal cancer, which soon spread through the rest of his body, for three years before he took to Youtube to describe […]

October 24, 2014

Vale – Martin Burgess

Sean Parnell, The Australian

Former Voluntary Euthanasia Candidate for the Northern Territory, Martin Burgess, died at his home in Darwin on Thursday 23 October after a long battle with bowel cancer. It is expected that he died after drinking Nembutal that he obtained over the Internet after posting a plea on You Tube (see video below). Speaking to The […]

October 21, 2014

35 Year Old Comedian Mel Moon Joins Exit

Matt Wilkinson, The Sun UK

STRICKEN mum-of-two Mel Moon is the youngest member of a right-to-die “suicide club” — at the age of 35. She has a rare immune system condition that could leave her dying in agony and admitted she has drawn up a plan to kill herself peacefully. She told The Sun: “I’d hope my children would understand […]

October 21, 2014

Vale Gough Whitlam

The photograph is iconic and it the result of many years of hard work and perseverance from people from all walks of life, including myself. The Gurindji went on strike, not for wages and rations but to get their land back, out of the hands of the wealthy British Lord Vestey. I went to Wave […]

October 6, 2014

British label Australia’s Dr Nitschke as ‘very dangerous’

By Paul Gallagher, The Morning Bulletin

The controversial Australian doctor who has opened a euthanasia clinic in the UK advising people on how to end their lives is encouraging people to visit his clinic “before they get too sick”. Dr Philip Nitschke said the arrival of his non-profit organisation Exit International, which held its inaugural event in London on Saturday, was […]

October 3, 2014

Cruel and Usual Punishment: Is There a Humane Alternative to Prison?

By Thomas Wells, ABC

Prison time is a very severe punishment. John Stuart Mill likened it to being consigned to a living tomb. Any society that employs it should do so with care and restraint. Yet we do not. Partly because we think that prison is a humane punishment, it is drastically over-used in many countries, to the point […]

October 3, 2014

Call for prisoners with no release prospects to be given option of euthanasia

By Louise Crealy, ABC News

CHRIS UHLMANN: Euthanasia campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke has called for Australian prisoners, jailed with no prospect of release, to be given the option of euthanasia. It follows a decision in Belgium to allow a killer jailed for the rest of his life for horrific crimes to kill himself – assisted by doctors under Belgium’s controversial […]