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The Exit Internationalist

January 16, 2016

The Big Sleep: the Rational Suicide of Melbourne Scientists Pat & Peter Shaw

Sydney Morning Herald by Julia Medew

Scientists Pat and Peter Shaw died in a suicide pact in October. Here, their daughters reflect on their parents’ plan – and their remarkable lives. For as long as the blue-eyed Shaw sisters can remember, they knew that their parents planned to one day take their own lives. It was often a topic of conversation. […]

January 8, 2016

Dutch Relax Euthanasia Rules for People with Serious Dementia

The guidelines for performing euthanasia on people with severe dementia have been relaxed a little so that patients can be helped to die even if they incapable of making their current feelings known, the justice and health ministries said on Thursday. However, they will have to have signed a euthanasia declaration with their family doctor […]

January 7, 2016

Dicing with Dr Death to have Oz Premiere at Melbourne Comedy Festival 2016

Fresh from his success at the Ed Fringe 2015, Dr Philip Nitschke is bringing his ‘Dicing with Dr Death‘ show to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival for one night only. There have only ever been nine Dr Deaths, but with most of them dead and the Russian serving 12 life sentences in Siberia, Australia’s Euthanasia […]

January 4, 2016

Peaceful Pill eHandbook Now Available on All Devices

Most Recent Update: 1 January 2016 The best-selling Peaceful Pill eHandbook is now available on: PCs/ Laptops – Mac & PC iPads & iPhones All Androids inc phones & tablets Despite a few teething problems, the Peaceful Pill eHandbook is now available on all the above without the need for 3rd party software. A 24-month […]

November 27, 2015

Euthanasia Campaigner Philip Nitschke Sets Medical License Alight

The Age

Euthanasia campaigner Philip Nitschke has set fire to his medical practising certificate, and vowed to continue to advise terminally ill patients about how to take their own lives. The Medical Board of Australia had set out 25 conditions for the prominent campaigner to comply with if he wanted to remain a practising doctor. They included […]

November 27, 2015

Medical Registration Resignation Statement

Dr Philip Nitschke, Statement

I have now had a month to consider the 26 conditions the Medical Board have imposed on my medical registration, and to survey the membership of Exit International. Before commenting on several of the more onerous conditions and my planned response, I will make one general observation. The conditions the Board has sought impose on […]

November 8, 2015

Andrew Denton Falls for Doctors’ Spin in Euthanasia Debate

Fiona Stewart, Sydney Morning Herald

For at least the past two decades, Melbourne urologist Dr Rodney Syme has been advocating medically-controlled voluntary euthanasia, or assisted suicide as it is now called. An alumni of the Melbourne establishment, Syme has insisted that a “good doctor” should distribute Nembutal to patients who he considers worthy. The decision would be the doctor’s alone. […]

November 1, 2015

Silencing Philip Nitschke won’t stop need for death with dignity

Terry Sweetman, The Courier-Mail

Silencing euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke won’t stop need for death with dignity EVEN before attending a Dying With Dignity meeting, I understood the inevitability of the former and the uncertainty of the latter. People might face death bravely, stoically or even cavalierly, but they never beat it. And, I have seen little that suggests much […]