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The Exit Internationalist

July 19, 2016

Assisted dying could have allowed Exit Member Gaynor Grainger to say goodbye

Paul Gallagher, iNews

Paralysed and ill, Roger Grainger took his own life. Terrified that his wife Gaynor might be implicated, he did it without telling her. Now she wants the law changed, so that no one else has to die without saying goodbye After Roger Grainger fell ill with suspected Parkinson’s disease in 2012, he began rapidly losing […]

July 7, 2016

Dr Death reveals human side on ‘blind date’ with artist Mirra Whale

Andrew Taylor, Sydney Morning Herald

Mirra Whale was not sure what to expect when she sat down to sketch the man known as Dr Death. “I had no idea,” she says. “It was like a blind date.” Artist Mirra Whale: “I’m not interested in painting someone because they’re famous. It’s what they stand up for.” Artist Mirra Whale: “I’m not […]

June 30, 2016

Euthanasia Laws Imminent in Australia says Nitschke


Two decades after the Northern Territory enacted world-first laws legalising euthanasia, an ageing Australian population is clamouring for the right to end their lives when they choose, says campaigner Philip Nitschke. On July 1, 1996, the NT passed the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, which allowed a doctor to provide lethal drugs or administer […]



June 29, 2016

Dicing with Dr Death

Dicing with Dr Death – What the Critics say Melbourne Comedy Festival Jim Schrembi, Herald Sun The Athenaeum Theatre (one show only) ALAS, in the end, there was no rioting. There were no walkouts or vicious heckles, no arrests or protests. Nobody stormed the stage or threw red paint. Despite the big head of controversial […]

June 27, 2016

Good Luck to Jay Franklin & VEP in 2 July Election

Exit’s Social Media Manager, Jay Franklin, is running against anti-euthanasia bigot, Kevin Andrews, in the Victorian seat of Menzies in the 2016 Australian Federal Election. On Election day, all Australians should remember that it was Kevin Andrews who brought down the Northern Territory’s Rights of the Terminally Ill Act. Now it’s time to ‘dumb Kevin’! […]

May 19, 2016

Dutch doctors allow 20-something, sex abuse victim euthanasia, Simone Mitchell

WHEN we think about euthanasia, many of us picture an elderly person. They’ve had many good years, but an illness has ruined their quality of life. They’re in pain, and they want to end things on their own terms. For many people, this is an easy concept to accept. But a recent case in the […]

May 3, 2016

Dutch Euthanasia Cases Rise in 2015

NL Times, Janene Pieters

The number of euthanasia cases increased by 4 percent last year. A total of 5,516 people died by euthanasia in 2015, according to the annual report by the five regional euthanasia review committees, ANP reports. The most common reason for euthanasia to be requested was cancer. The number of granted euthanasia requests due to dementia […]

April 23, 2016

New 2016 Print Edition – Peaceful Pill Handbook Out Now

Three 2016 Edition Choices: Paperback Color Edition Paperback Black White Edition Hard Back, Full Color, Large Font Coffee Table Edition Special Features of the Coffee Table Peaceful Pill Handbook Full Color Hardback Gloss Print Large Font A4 Size Note – the Coffee Table Edition is a custom order. This means it is print-on-demand, printed one […]