May 8, 2018
Prof David Goodall Exit International Press Conference Basel CH – Wed 3pm
Exit Press Release On Thursday 10 May 2018, esteemed scientist Emeritus Professor David Goodall will undertake a final appointment with Life Circle/ Eternal Spirit Foundation in Basel Switzerland to end his life. British born Professor Goodall of Perth Western Australia turned 104 on 4 April 2018. While David is not sick, he says he […]
May 4, 2018
NYT: Why David Goodall, 104, Renowned Australian Scientist, Wants to Die
Yonette Joseph, New York Times
David Goodall, 104, who is believed to be Australia’s oldest scientist, wants to die. But he can’t do it in his own country, where assisted suicide is banned. So on Wednesday, he took what was expected to be his last flight, bound for Europe, to accomplish his goal — and renewed a debate in Australia […]
April 24, 2018
Is extreme old age a terminal condition?
Martin Hansen, The Gisborne Herald
David Seymour’s End of Life Choice bill, now before Parliament, is similar to legislation and proposed legislation in other countries in that it is restricted to those who wish to die because they are terminally ill or are enduring unbearable suffering that cannot be relieved by palliative care. In this context it’s relevant to consider […]
April 19, 2018
Suicide machine controlled by blink of eye sparks euthanasia debate
Anthony Cuthbertson, The Independent
Opponents of euthanasia have expressed concern at the creation of a “suicide machine”, which has been developed by Dr Philip Nitschke. The well-known advocate of individuals’ right to die has regularly caused controversy by assisting what he calls “rational suicides”. Having developed machines in the past that could be used by individuals to inject themselves with […]
April 16, 2018
WASH POST: Nitschke’s ‘suicide machine’ draws crowds at Amsterdam funeral fair
The Washington Post, Amanda Erickson
A controversial suicide pod that enables its occupant to kill themselves at the press of a button went on display at an Amsterdam funeral show on Saturday. Called the “Sarco”, short for sarcophagus, the 3D-printed machine invented by Australian euthanasia activist Philip Nitschke and Dutch designer Alexander Bannink comes with a detachable coffin, mounted on […]
April 16, 2018
‘Sarco’ Death Pod That Lets Users Kill Themselves Showcased
A 3D-printed euthanasia device that will assist users to kill themselves was displayed for the first time on Saturday (April 14) during a funeral fair in Amsterdam. Dubbed ‘Sarco,’ short for sarcophagus, the model was revealed alongside a virtual reality (VR) demonstration which let attendees experience the pod in action. The device first hit the headlines last year after […]
April 6, 2018
Here’s Why I Invented A ‘Death Machine’ That Lets People Take Their Own Lives
Talk about “dying with dignity” has grown to a calamitous pitch in recent years. “Right to die” groups vie for supremacy, trying to show who can make the dying experience the least degrading. Who can replace the utter macabre-ness of the necessity of death with something more palatable. In this reclamation of death ― a […]
March 27, 2018
Controversial advocate for ‘voluntary euthanasia’ earns fans in Canada
While Canada’s current laws on medically assisted death are being challenged in and out of court, there is another type of discussion quietly percolating across Canada, bolstered by a controversial former physician who advocates for what he calls “personal euthanasia.” Philip Nitschke is the founder of Exit International and an Australian former physician who now […]