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The Exit Internationalist

November 2, 2017

Euthanasia Pioneer Dies while Victorian Politicians Procrastinate

Former Exit International Social Media Manager, Jay Franklin, has died in a Melbourne hospital this week after a lifetime of suffering and incapacity from congenital Hirschsprung’s disease. Jay underwent more than 100 operations for the condition in the first few years of life, having most of his bowel removed. His later years were plagued with […]

November 1, 2017

Euthanasia in a Rollercoaster or ‘Sarco’ – Latest Ideas Presented Livestream

Sander van Walsum, De Volkskrant

An annual gathering for the self-deliverance euthanasia industry The Exit NuTech Conference has been held in Toronto, Canada. Interested participants of the right to die movement gathered here last weekend to be informed about the latest techniques that allow this right to be exercised in a humane manner. An innovative livestream made it possible for […]

October 21, 2017

Nitschke Invents 3D Printable Euthanasia Machine

The Advertiser, Tory Shepherd

SOUTH Australia’s own “Dr Death” has invented a 3D printable euthanasia machine that people can potentially have in their own homes. Euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke’s invention will use liquid nitrogen to drop the oxygen level in a printed capsule, leading to a “peaceful death”, his information release says. In SA it is not an offence […]

October 20, 2017

Euthanasia Pioneer Welcomes Passage of AD Bill

Sydney Morning Herald, Debbie Cuthbertson

Australian euthanasia pioneer Philip Nitschke says the passage of Victoria’s assisted dying bill will bring “comfort” to many people. But opponents of the legislation, including former prime minister Paul Keating and Right To Life campaigner Margaret Tighe​, have expressed their bitter disappointment at the legislation’s passing. After four days, 141 proposed amendments and a gruelling 26-hour marathon sitting, historic voluntary euthanasia laws have […]

October 20, 2017

De schier onoplosbare moeilijkheden van humane zelfdoding

Bert Keizer,

Column In de NRC van afgelopen zaterdag stond een boeiend artikel over zelfdoding. Er zijn nogal wat mensen die op humane wijze een eind aan hun leven willen maken. We hebben het niet over de wanhopige eenzame heimelijke zelfdoding, nee, dit gaat over levensbeëindiging in gesprek met de mensen die van je houden. De vraag is: hoe […]

October 13, 2017

Dodelijk poeder in een feestelijke envelop

NRC, Enzo van Steenbergen

Mensen die willen sterven op een zelfgekozen moment en zonder arts, gaan wereldwijd op zoek naar een dodelijk middel. NRC volgt hun spoor, van een woonboot in Noord-Holland tot in Peru. Per post bezorgde envelop uit een grote Chinese stad, die het poeder bevatte waarmee een Nederlands echtpaar wil overlijden. Verantwoording In dit artikel beschrijft […]

September 25, 2017

Dead right: Philip Nitschke condemns our ‘prehistoric’ euthanasia laws

The Big Smoke Australia by Ingeborg van Teeseling

With the topic of legalising euthanasia up for debate in parliament this week, I travelled to Holland to speak to the man who started the conversation. You have been putting up with portraits of often long-dead Australian mavericks from me for weeks now, as part of my attempt to entertain and inspire. This time, though, […]

September 12, 2017

Critique of the New Dutch Euthanasia Powder

According to a Dutch Euthanasia group, a fast and painless death is all but guaranteed with a ‘new pill of Drion’ in the form of powder. But is it? The means of euthanasia currently being advocated by a relatively new organization have been criticized for the terrible side effects it can cause. Boudewijn Chabot is […]