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The Exit Internationalist

January 11, 2018

Exit FB Live Stream: Sunday 18 Feb, Time TBA

Join Exit’s 4th FB Live Stream with Exit Founder Dr Philip Nitschke on Sunday 18 Feb.   Remember, FB LiveStreams are only open to Philip’s FB ‘Friends’. So send him a friend request now. Topic TBA.

January 1, 2018

Grain Media Want You

Dear Exit Members, My name is Josh Veselka and I am a producer working for a production company in the UK called Grain Media. We are producing a 30-minute documentary about the Right-to-Die/Assisted Suicide movement with Philip Nitschke and Exit International as the central character and organization. What I am now looking for are people […]

December 20, 2017

Living with the dying law: euthanasia tensions linger

The Australian, Samantha Hutchinson

Cath Ringwood is angry. The 67-year-old former palliative care nurse is racked with pain from her arthritic knees and fed up trialling invasive treatments for her chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. It has been a long 20 years of serious illness for the euthanasia supporter, but the past 18 months have been tougher than most. Late last […]

December 5, 2017

Meet the Elon Musk of Assisted Suicide

Newsweek, Nicole Goodkind

Meet the Elon Musk of Assisted Suicide, Whose Machine Lets You Kill Yourself Anywhere Dr. Philip Nitschke considers himself the Elon Musk of assisted suicide—and his latest death machine, the Sarco, is his Tesla. Newsweek spoke with the 70-year-old doctor immediately after the state of Victoria in Australia, his home country, voted this week to legalize […]

November 29, 2017

New suicide pod for humans comes with built-in coffin

International Business Times

Philip Nitschke ‘s 3D-printed ‘death pod’ will let users ‘die peacefully and reliably’. A 3D-printed “death pod” has been created by Australian scientist and euthanasia advocate Dr Philip Nitschke which will let users die “peacefully and reliably” with the press of a button. First teased last month by Nitschke, who critics have dubbed Dr Death, […]

November 28, 2017

‘Suicide machine’ harnesses 3D printing technology

Fox News

A high-tech ‘suicide machine’ is being touted by a euthanasia advocacy group. It’s called the Sarco capsule, and it has a single, simple purpose: to help you commit suicide, painlessly and efficiently. “Sarco does not use any restricted drugs, or require any special expertise such as the insertion of an intravenous needle,” says Dr. Philip […]

November 28, 2017

Victoria Passes Right to Die Law … Finally

After marathon debates in both Houses of Parliament, the Victorian Parliament has revived euthanasia in Australia by passing the first right to die law since the Northern Territory’s Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 21 years ago. In 1996, Exit Founder & Director Dr Philip Nitschke administered the world’s first legal, lethal voluntary injection to […]

November 23, 2017

Nitschke says Victorian euthanasia bill ‘unworkable’

Philip Nitschke has described the Victorian government’s voluntary assisted dying bill as the “world’s most unworkable end-of-life law” as he warned the legislation would not satisfy all those seeking ­assisted suicide. The country’s leading proponent for assisted dying and head of Exit International congratulated the Victorian government for passing the bill through the upper house, […]