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The Exit Internationalist

April 16, 2018

‘Sarco’ Death Pod That Lets Users Kill Themselves Showcased

Newsweek, Jason Murdock

A 3D-printed euthanasia device that will assist users to kill themselves was displayed for the first time on Saturday (April 14) during a funeral fair in Amsterdam. Dubbed ‘Sarco,’ short for sarcophagus, the model was revealed alongside a virtual reality (VR) demonstration which let attendees experience the pod in action. The device first hit the headlines last year after […]

April 6, 2018

Here’s Why I Invented A ‘Death Machine’ That Lets People Take Their Own Lives

Huffington Post

Talk about “dying with dignity” has grown to a calamitous pitch in recent years. “Right to die” groups vie for supremacy, trying to show who can make the dying experience the least degrading. Who can replace the utter macabre-ness of the necessity of death with something more palatable. In this reclamation of death ― a […]

March 27, 2018

Controversial advocate for ‘voluntary euthanasia’ earns fans in Canada


While Canada’s current laws on medically assisted death are being challenged in and out of court, there is another type of discussion quietly percolating across Canada, bolstered by a controversial former physician who advocates for what he calls “personal euthanasia.” Philip Nitschke is the founder of Exit International and an Australian former physician who now […]



March 15, 2018

NZ Independent Police Conduct Report Slams Exit Illegal Roadblock

NZ Independent Police Conduct Authority & the NZ Privacy Commissioner have today slammed the roadblock mounted by NZ Police as part of Operation Painter. Operation Painter was the undercover Police investigation that led to Exit’s Wellington Chapter Coordinator being charged with drug offences and assisting a suicide. The Roadblock was not only a breach of […]

February 24, 2018

Susan Austen trial verdict: not guilty of aiding suicide

The Dominion Post, Court Reporter

At the High Court in Wellington yesterday, Austen’s supporters gave a collective gasp of relief as she was found not guilty of aiding Treadwell’s suicide. Austen herself later said she had been in awe when she heard the verdict. READ MORE: * Annemarie Treadwell’s plea * Jury told to put aside views on assisted dying * […]

February 24, 2018

Susan Austen not guilty of assisting suicide

New Zealand Herald

Wellington woman Susan Austen has been found not guilty of assisting suicide. A jury has just delivered the verdict at the High Court in Wellington where she’s been standing trial over the past two weeks. She has also been found not guilty on a representative charge of importing the Class C drug pentobarbitone. However she […]

February 21, 2018

Checkpoint after Exit meeting to check elderly attendees were okay, court told

The Dominion Post, Court Reporter

Police set up a checkpoint to identify people leaving a pro-euthanasia group meeting to make sure they were okay, a jury has been told. A police officer’s evidence about the checkpoint was greeted with laughter from the public gallery at the High Court trial in Wellington of Susan Dale Austen, 67, who is charged with aiding […]

February 20, 2018

Exit Wellington Coordinator Found Not Guilty Assisted Suicide

Press Release In Wellington’s High Court today, Exit International Coordinator Suzy Austen, has been found not guilty of assisting in the June 2016 suicide of fellow Exit International member, Annemarie Treadwell. She has been found guilty of 2 of 3 charges of importing Nembutal. The two week trial heard from 30+ crown witnesses who documented […]