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The Exit Internationalist

January 2, 2019

Tech Ethics Issues We Should All Be Thinking About In 2019

Technology doesn’t police itself. New technologies require us to pay attention, voice our concerns constructively, and demand accountability when people are harmed. For the seventh year in a row, I’ve released a list of ten technologies that people should be aware of in the hopes of giving non-experts a window into what’s going on in labs […]

December 3, 2018

Man who counselled wife to kill herself using her emails to appeal conviction

ABC News, Melanie Vujkovic

A Queensland man who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for encouraging and helping his wife to kill herself so he could access her life insurance is appealing against his conviction using emails allegedly written by his wife to Exit International — a group founded by euthanasia campaigner Doctor Philip Nitschke. Graham Morant’s conviction […]

November 18, 2018

WA government to consider Victorian laws when forming right-to-die legislation

WA government to consider Victorian laws when forming right-to-die legislation, AAP

The West Australian government says it will take a close look at Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying laws in forming its right-to-die legislation. The McGowan government plans to introduce the bill, drafted by an 11-member expert panel chaired by former WA governor Malcolm McCusker, next year. It follows a parliamentary committee that received about 700 submissions […]

November 11, 2018

Euthanasia Pioneer Nitschke warns of ‘beg and grovel’ legislation

Thomas Manch, The Dominion Post

A proposed law to allow voluntary death for the terminally ill has been labelled “beg and grovel” legislation by euthanasia pioneer Dr Philip Nitschke. The first doctor to administer euthanasia, Nitschke is holding public talks and instructional workshops on the subject with his pro-euthanasia group Exit International this week. On Thursday, about 30 members gathered in a meeting room behind St Andrew’s church […]

November 2, 2018

Husband who aided wife’s suicide sentenced to 10 years in prison

News Daily

A man has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for encouraging and helping his wife to kill herself, so he could access her $1.4 million life insurance. Graham Robert Morant was found guilty last month of persuading his wife Jennifer Morant to kill herself in her car and helping her buy the necessary equipment […]

November 1, 2018

Exit Black Friday Book Sale

ONLINE BOOK DISCOUNTS Get an extra 12 Months Free On All Subscriptions – 36 Months for Price of 24 Months The global Black Friday sale brings a significant saving to all would-be Peaceful Pill eHandbook subscribers across all language editions. Following the popularity of last year’s sale, Exit is pleased to offer an extra 12 […]



October 18, 2018

Euthanasia Rate in NL Falls in 2017 for First Time

The number of reported cases of euthanasia has fallen for the first time since the practice was formalised in 2002, Trouw reported on Tuesday. There were 4,600 cases of euthanasia in the Netherlands in the first nine months of this year, a drop of 9% on the same period in 2017, Trouw said. Jacob Kohnstamm, […]

September 20, 2018

Timing of arrest of Dignity SA Director Sean Davison questioned

Marianne Thamm, The Daily Maverick

Two weeks after a World Federation of Right to Die Societies conference in Cape Town hosted by Dignity SA, police arrested Professor Sean Davison, director and founder of the organisation, on a charge of murder. Davison’s arrest is related to the suicide of quadriplegic, Dr Anrich Burger, in a Cape Town hotel room in 2013. […]