August 29, 2021
Exit Submission to Australian Senate Committee
29 August 2021 Dear Colleagues Please accept the below as my submission to your Committee in regard to why the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 should remove Section 50A in its entirety. As I understand it, the purpose of the ‘Ensuring Northern Territory Rights Bill 2021’ is to ‘reduce the level of Commonwealth interference with […]

August 24, 2021
Exit dog Henny dies peacefully at home
The Exit tagline ‘I’d rather die like a dog’ became especially poignant recently with the death of 12-year old Henny Penny, a Jack Russell x who was known and loved by many in the Exit community. Four years ago, Henny was diagnosed with heart valve failure; a common condition in small dogs. The diagnosis gave […]

August 22, 2021
The printable coffin of ‘Doctor Death’
The Printable Coffin of ‘Doctor Death’, the Australian Guru of Euthanasia reports El Mundo in Spain. “It’s not for sale, but anyone can print it out at home and assemble it by following the instructions,” says Nitschke. He presented it in 2019 at the Venice Biennale and several people, he says, have been interested from […]

August 15, 2021
All options need to be exhausted before considering euthanasia
The Malta Independent, Shona Berger
All options need to be exhausted before considering euthanasia for Malta, according to Professor of Family Medicine and Bioethics Pierre Mallia. Before Malta considers passing legislation on euthanasia, there needs to be an improvement in palliative care, Professor of Family Medicine and Bioethics Pierre Mallia told The Malta Independent on Sunday. “It would be tragic […]

August 15, 2021
New Exit Podcast – The Azide Wars
The Azide Wars have come about with the advent in the Netherlands of Middel X as an end of life method. As a country where voluntary euthanasia has long been legal, there has been a groundswell of discontentment amongst older people who resent having to ask doctors for help to die. Addressing this souring mood […]

August 1, 2021
New Report by German National Academy of Sciences
In a New Report by German National Academy of Sciences, the authors have dealt with the issues of end of life and assisted suicide from different disciplinary perspectives. The participants also represent different positions, but in the following explanations they jointly work out central aspects which, from their point of view, should be considered when […]

July 20, 2021
Dutch Public Prosecutor Takes Issue with Euthanasia Assessments
Dutch Public Prosecutor Takes Issue with Euthanasia Assessments- Rinus Otte – is the cause of the fact that the public prosecution department and regional euthanasia review committees which monitor compliance are embroiled in a dispute about the rules for carrying out euthanasia in the Netherlands, newspaper Trouw reported on Tuesday, citing confidential correspondence. The dispute, […]

July 18, 2021
New Mexico Erases Barriers to Medical Aid to Dying
Medscape reports how New Mexico Erases Some Barriers to Medical Aid to Dying A new law that allows medical aid in dying (MAID) as an option for terminally ill, mentally capable adults went into effect last month in New Mexico. New Mexico is the 10th state (plus one jurisdiction) to have such a law, but […]