October 10, 2021
October Peaceful Pill eHandbook Update
In the October update to the Peaceful Pill eHanbook, we present: Rewritten chapters on the Swiss Options & Insulin Update on USA Mixture Drugs The Launch of the Exit Application Assistance Program (for folk who need help applying to any of the Swiss services) Updated information about Nembutal & what to beware of … Existing […]

October 3, 2021
Is Coöperatie Laatste Wil a Criminal Organisation?
Is Coöperatie Laatste Wil a Criminal Organisation? Did the chairman of the Last Will Cooperative participate in a criminal organization? The chairman of Coöperatie Laatste Wil believes that everyone who wants to die should be able to choose to do so. Now he is suspected of participating in a criminal organization. The ultimate goal of […]

September 21, 2021
25 Years Ago Today
25 Years Ago Today Bob Dent received world’s 1st Legal Lethal Voluntary Injection MEDIA RELEASE – 22 September 2021 On Sunday 22 September 1996, at around 3pm in his home in Darwin, 66-year old Bob Dent (suffering from prostate cancer) pressed the ‘YES’ button on the Deliverance Euthanasia Machine to activate a lethal injection. He died […]

September 19, 2021
Sandy Morris Challenges California Law
Sandy Morris Challenges California Law – But How? Sandy Morris challenges California law because when found out she would die of ALS, she resolved that she would bravely, peacefully and legally end her own life, surrounded by her beloved family and views of the Sierra Nevada. California’s End of Life Option Act requires that people […]

September 17, 2021
How voluntary assisted dying will work in Queensland
How voluntary assisted dying will work in Queensland The ABC reports that Queensland Parliament has voted to legalise voluntary assisted dying (VAD), although it will still be some time before the laws take effect. So who is eligible and what will be involved? Can doctors conscientiously object and what about access in a faith-based aged […]

September 15, 2021
BMA Drops Opposition to physician-assisted dying
BMA Drops Opposition to physician-assisted dying – Press Statement We represent doctors and medical students who, like the wider public, hold a wide range of views on physician-assisted dying. On 14 September 2021 our policy-making body (the representative body) voted in favour of a motion changing the BMA’s policy from opposition to a change in […]

September 11, 2021
Sarco @ Suizid Let’s Talk about it Exhibition
Sarco @ Suizid Let’s Talk about it Exhibition at the Museum for Sepulkralkultur in Kassel, Germany opened on 10 September 2021. The Museum of Sepulchral Culture is a space dealing with the topics of dying, death, mourning and remembrance since 1992. The new exhibition – ‘Suizid let’s talk about it’ – is led by the […]

September 5, 2021
Stop Euthanasia & Make Way for Assisted Suicide
Wim Graafland, Medisch Contact
Stop Euthanasia & make way for Assisted Suicide by Wim Graafland Graafland was a general practitioner for over thirty years and now looks back on his experiences with euthanasia. He concludes that the central position of doctors at the end of life is unnecessary and must make way for assisted suicide, without an active physician […]