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February 13, 2022

‘Right to Die’ Documentary

YLE TV Finland

‘Right to Die’ Documentary ** NEWS ALERT ** On 12 February 2022, ‘Right to Die’ (feature documentary) won best producer at the World Film Fair in New York. The Backstory In February 2020, shortly before the first lockdown, Philip Nitschke travelled to Helsinki to meet with lawyers about the possible use of Sarco in that […]

January 31, 2022

The Potential Role Of Technology In Euthanasia And Assisted Death

The Potential Role Of Technology In Euthanasia And Assisted Death is the new article by Medical Futurist, Bertalan Meskó, MD, PhD In early 2021, Spanish lawmakers legalised euthanasia and assisted death for patients suffering from unbearable and/or incurable conditions, making Spain the sixth country in the world to do so. Prior to this move, the […]

January 23, 2022

Euthanasia Report Card from New Zealand

Isaac Davison, NZ Herald

In a euthanasia report card from New Zealand, Euthanasia uptake has been found to be slow so far, but it is expected to rise. One to two people have chosen assisted death each week since euthanasia became legal in New Zealand in November, new figures show. A total of 73 people have applied for the Assisted Dying Service […]

January 22, 2022

Listen Now to Philip Nitschke & Dahlia Kurtz on Canada Talks

Listen Now to Philip Nitschke & Dahlia Kurtz on Canada Talks, in conversation about Sarco, AI, Implants and the future of the universe, 5 JANUARY 2022. Listen Now to Philip Nitschke & Dahlia Kurtz on Canada Talks Podcast Synopsis Dr. Philip Nitschke is the first doctor in the world to administer a legal, lethal voluntary […]



January 8, 2022

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow weighs in on the ‘Sarco’ suicide capsule

Israel National News, Shimon Cohen

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow weighs in on the ‘Sarco’ suicide capsule. The 3D printed ‘Sarco’ suicide capsule was developed by Australian company Exit International in 2017, and had two prototypes available across Europe. A third prototype is currently being produced in the Netherlands. It has now passed legal review in Switzerland and will be permitted for […]

January 1, 2022

About Assisted Suicide – a Definition

About Assisted Suicide – a Definition Definitions Anyone who makes plans for their own death can be said to be planning their ‘suicide’. However, the term suicide, and even assisted suicide, have become controversial according to the Peaceful Pill Handbook – Essentials Edition. Many in the right to die movement have changed their wording to […]

January 1, 2022

Update Webinars – 2022 Series

In 2022, Exit is hosting a new series of online Update Webinars for Exit Members & current subscribers to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook. Overview Titled ‘PPeH Update Webinars’, an Update Webinar will be held each time a substantial update is made to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook. Substantial updates to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook are generally […]

December 20, 2021

A body implant that would kill you

The Independent, Io Dodds

Creator of ‘suicide pod’ wants to make body implant that would kill you if you forget to deactivate it   by  Io Dodds for The Independent The Australian euthanasia activist behind a widely-discussed “suicide pod” wants to create an implantable medical device for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease that would kill its users if […]