June 12, 2022
Portugal’s Parliament resumes battle to legalise euthanasia
Portugal’s Parliament resumes battle to legalise euthanasia reports Reuters. After two presidential vetoes, Portugal’s parliament delivered another strong vote on Thursday in favour of decriminalising euthanasia in the Catholic-majority country, although the bill still faces a bumpy road to become law. The country’s debate on making medically assisted death legal under certain conditions started […]

June 5, 2022
Legalising assisted suicide is a slippery slope says Dr Anthony Latham
Legalising assisted suicide is a slippery slope says Dr Anthony Latham in the Scotsman. Not so fast says Exit International! When an opinion piece appears in the right to life press, my tendency is usually to dismiss it. Because it is written for a specific, one-eyed readership, it is to be expected that the arguments […]

June 5, 2022
Scottish Assisted Suicide Bill is Delayed
A Scottish Assisted Suicide Bill is Delayed is the news from Orkney MSP, who pledged to bring forward assisted dying proposals this year. He has said that the bill will now be introduced at the start of next year, instead. Liam McArthur MSP has blamed an “unprecedented” response to a consultation on his plans as […]

May 21, 2022
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese & Voluntary Euthanasia
Anthony Albanese is Australia’s new Prime Minister and Exit congratulates him on his election. The Backstory about Anthony Albanese & the Right to Die On 22 September 1996, Darwin man Bob Dent became the first person in the world to receive a legal, lethal, voluntary injection under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act of […]

May 20, 2022
Council of State says Completed Life Euthanasia Proposal needs more safeguards against misuse
The Dutch Council of State says Completed life euthanasia proposal needs more safeguards against misuse reports the NL Times. The Council of State believes that the bill for euthanasia at the end of a full life is not yet good enough. It needs more safeguards to establish that people are really eligible for euthanasia, the […]

May 19, 2022
NSW becomes the last Australian State to allow euthanasia
The Guardian, Michael McGowan and Tamsin Rose
NSW passes voluntary assisted dying laws after marathon upper house debate Dee Hilton already knows how she would like the end of her life to look. She imagines a glass of champagne with her siblings (“just a little bit for me”) and time with her children and grandchildren – the ones who are “old […]

May 7, 2022
With Artificial Intelligence Assisted Suicide is Ripe for Disruption
NeoLife reports that with With Artificial Intelligence Assisted Suicide is Ripe for Disruption. Now that she is semi-retired, Sally Curlewis, 73, from New South Wales, Australia, works in retail a couple of mornings a week and spends her afternoons taking care of her five grandchildren. She jokes that her husband of 52 years loves the […]

May 1, 2022
Exitorial: The Power of the Written Word in the Michelle Carter Case
Exitorial: The Power of the Written Word in the Michelle Carter Case Michelle Carter was only 17 years old, a year younger than her 18 year old boyfriend Conrad Roy, when she wrote sent the text messages that would later frame the rest of her life. ‘Get back in the fucking truck’ she infamously wrote, […]