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The Exit Internationalist

July 10, 2022

Legislation to remove euthanasia ban in Northern Territory & ACT

Legislation to remove euthanasia ban in Northern Territory & ACT could be brought before federal parliament within weeks reports the ABC. Labor backbenchers Alicia Payne, from Canberra, and Luke Gosling, from Darwin, plan to table legislation at the next parliamentary sitting to remove the Commonwealth veto. However, the Albanese government will allow Labor parliamentarians a […]

July 1, 2022

Peaceful Pill Handbook – Essentials Edition

The Peaceful Pill Handbook – Essentials Edition The 2022 ‘Essentials Edition’ is the new shortened, condensed version of the best-selling Peaceful Pill Handbook. The Essentials (available in both print and online formats) provides the most accurate, up-to-date information about practical, DIY (self-help) strategies for elderly and seriously ill adults. The aim of the Essentials is […]

June 25, 2022

I didn’t murder them but I did help them

‘I didn’t murder them but I did help them’ says Dr Sean Davison, euthanasia activist and founder of Dignity SA, who officially became a free man on Monday after three years of house arrest. The New Zealand-born doctor was struck off the roll of medical practitioners in South Africa after his murder conviction in 2019. […]

June 20, 2022

Activist will fight for law change in Tutu’s honour

Activist will fight for law change in Tutu’s honour “It’s been three years and I’m free,” says Sean Davison, the right-to-die activist whose three-year house arrest ended on Monday morning, with him signing documents at the Cape Town high court reports the Sowetan. “I have done my time but I did not commit a crime. […]

June 20, 2022

‘No regrets’ says South African Euthanasia Doctor

‘No regrets’ says South African Euthanasia Doctor reports The Citizen Davison said he does not regret ending the life of the three patients to end their suffering. A campaigner for the legalisation of euthanasia in South Africa, convicted of premeditated murders of three people he helped to die, was released on Monday after three years […]

June 20, 2022

Italy’s First Assisted Suicide

NYT, Elisabetta Povoledo

How Federico became Italy’s First Assisted Suicide, reports the New York Times ROME — For more than a year, media reports kept Italians up to date on the travails of a 44-year-old man known only as “Mario” as he sought to end his life through physician-assisted suicide. Paralyzed 12 years ago in a traffic accident, […]

June 18, 2022

The Price of Mercy

The Price of Mercy is Sean Davison’s new book (2022). Read the 1st published extract HERE In September 2018, Professor Sean Davison’s peaceful life in the leafy suburbs of Cape Town is shattered. Arrested for the murder of Dr Anrich Burger, a once-fit athlete turned quadriplegic who begged Davison to assist him end his life […]

June 18, 2022

Completed Life Bill from Self-Determination in Dying

Het Parool, John Jansen van Galen

Completed Life Bill from Self-Determination in Dying writes John Jansen van Galen in Het Parool, Amsterdam NL The annoying thing about the never-ending debate about euthanasia is that it’s never really about suicide, but about assisted suicide: whether and under what conditions doctors may cooperate. This fits in with what is called the ‘medicalization’ of […]