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The Exit Internationalist

March 20, 2022

Acclaimed Writer Annah Faulkner Leaves Literary Suicide Note

Acclaimed Writer Annah Faulkner Leaves Literary Suicide Note Annah Faulkner’s final non-fiction writing in the form of her suicide note is poignant, thought-provoking, life-affirming and tragic. It tells of a plea for the rational elderly to be better understood and respected in their end-of-life decision making. To read Annah Faulkner is to understand the work […]

March 20, 2022

Alain Delon plans to opt for Euthanasia

Le Point, Marc Fourny

Alain Delon plans to opt for Euthanasia We know that Alain Delon, 86, is in favour of euthanasia. His son Anthony revealed on RTL that he made him the promise to accompany him until the end, according to his last instructions, when he has decided to end it. “Yes, it’s true, he asked me that,” […]

March 20, 2022

House Lords assisted dying amendment fails

House of Lords assisted dying amendment fails The House of Lords has voted against an amendment to the Health and Care Bill that would have required UK Government action on assisted dying. The amendment would have required to draft a bill on assisted dying within a year and lay it before Parliament. Humanists UK briefed peers in support of […]

March 13, 2022

Hemlock Society Address by Philip Nitschke

In January 2022, Philip Nitschke took part in a videocast hosted by the Hemlock Society of San Diego. The title of the discussion was ‘do you need permission to die’. The Videocast can be viewed on Youtube (You will need to log in first to prove you are > 18) or at the Hemlock Society […]

March 13, 2022

Right to assisted suicide gets favorable argument in MA Court

BOSTON (CN) — The Right to assisted suicide gets favorable argument in MA Court reports the Court House News Service. The Massachusetts Supreme Court seemed receptive Wednesday to becoming the first court in the country to establish a constitutional right to assisted suicide. “We’re moving forward,” said Justice Dalila Wendlandt. “Why isn’t it time to […]

March 12, 2022

Exitorial – is assisted suicide a Constitutional right?

Exitorial – is assisted suicide a Constitutional right? Last week the Massachusetts Supreme Court began hearing a case where one doctor (Alan Steinbach) is seeking to assist another (who is terminally ill with prostate cancer), Roger Kligler, in the absence of any medical aid in dying law. This is an interesting case because the parties […]



March 6, 2022

Italian court blocks referendum on euthanasia

ROME (CNS) — Italian Court blocks referendum on euthanasia, saying it would violate constitutional protections of human life reports global media. The Italian Constitutional Court, which ruled in 2019 against punishing a physician for assisting with the death of a terminally ill patient experiencing intolerable suffering, had urged parliament to draft clear legislation regulating euthanasia […]

February 20, 2022

February Peaceful Pill eHandbook Sarco Update

The February Peaceful Pill eHandbook Sarco Update represents the first substantial update to the eHandbook for the year. The Sarco Update update presents a new Chapter on the device and answer the criticisms/ questions that have arisen in the mainstream media over recent months. Especially since the story of Sarco’s so-called ‘approval’ in Switzerland went […]