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The Exit Internationalist

May 20, 2023

The Mother Who Changed: A Story of Dementia

The Mother Who Changed: A Story of Dementia by Katie Engelhart in the New York Times Magazine.   In October 2017, Diane Norelius stopped answering the phone. Her two daughters called and called. They called Diane’s boyfriend, Denzil Nelson, too. Whenever Denzil picked up, he would only say, “She doesn’t want to talk to you.” […]

May 19, 2023

Late Night Police Welfare Check Visits Update

Following the arrest and charging of Kenneth Law in early May in Ontario Canada, for allegedly selling sodium nitrite online, countless Exit Members & PPeH Subscribers have received these startling (and frankly harassing) police visits. The police visit under the guise of performing a ‘welfare check’. What they are actually doing is using the late/ […]

May 7, 2023

Vermont makes aid-in-dying care available to nonresidents

Vermont makes aid-in-dying care available to nonresidents reports The Connetcicut Mirror. With the stroke of a pen on Tuesday, Vermont Gov. Phil Scott removed the residency requirement for medical aid-in-dying care, making the state the first to do so legislatively.  Now an adult with a terminal illness living out-of-state will have the option of consulting […]

May 5, 2023

Canada man charged with supplying substance linked to UK and US suicides

Leyland Cecco, The Guardian

Canada man charged with supplying substance linked to UK and US suicides writes The Guardian. Police in Canada have laid charges against an Ontario man following allegations he sold a lethal substance to people in dozens of countries, including four people who killed themselves in Britain and one in the United States. Kenneth Law, 57, […]

April 30, 2023

Human rights court sides with Belgium in euthanasia case

Politico Europe by Carlo Martuscelli

Human rights court sides with Belgium in euthanasia case as judges rule in favor of Belgium in three out of four counts. The European Court of Human Rights has found that Belgium didn’t violate the rights of a person suffering from depression who went ahead with a euthanasia procedure.   The Belgian state didn’t violate […]

April 20, 2023

Last Cab to Darwin Taxi Recovered on Philip Nitschke’s Bush Block

Last Cab to Darwin Taxi Recovered on Philip Nitschke’s Bush Block Max Bell’s life ended miserably on a Broken Hill hospital bed.  It wasn’t the exit the former cab driver had wanted: in fact, it was one he’d driven more than 3,000 kilometres through the centre of Australia, woefully sick behind the wheel, to try […]

April 12, 2023

Open Letter to the Members of the NT Parliament

We, the undersigned, call upon the members of the Northern Territory Assembly to pass a Voluntary Assisted Dying Act immediately with the purpose of benefiting the people in the Northern Territory who are suffering unbearably, for example from illness or the poly-pathologies of old age. In 1996, the Northern Territory led the world by enacting […]

April 2, 2023

The Curious Story of Missing Edition of The Listener

The Curious Story of Missing Edition of The Listener – Is the Sarco too much for New Zealand? On 1 April, The Listener in New Zealand published a significant cover story on Exit Director, Professor Sean Davison and the Sarco machine. Journalist Chris Cooke, spent many months working on the piece conducting extensive interviews with […]