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The Exit Internationalist

July 2, 2023

Court Dismisses Lawsuit against Amazon re ‘suicide kits’ for Teenagers

Yahoo Finance

SEATTLE, Washington: US District Judge James Robart in Seattle has dismissed a lawsuit against, which was brought by the parents of two teenagers who committed suicide by consuming sodium nitrite bought through the online retailer’s platform. In a 34-page decision, Robart rejected claims that Amazon was liable for negligence and violating Washington state product […]

June 26, 2023

New Exit Switzerland Website

This week Exit has launched our new Website which is aimed at helping foreigners to want to go to Switzerland. In time, the website will feature the Sarco but for now, we are focused on helping with: Selection of a Swiss assisted dying clinic Paperwork requirements Travel & ID requirements These programs are being overseen […]

June 25, 2023

Fyles government unclear on euthanasia laws despite Labor Party push

Fyles government unclear on euthanasia laws despite Labor Party push reports the NT News. The Fyles government is under increasing pressure to act on right-to-die reform with a groundswell of support gathering among the party rank and file. Here’s how they’re calling for ‘urgent’ action. A bill restoring the rights of the Northern Territory to […]

June 25, 2023

Euthanasia advocate Dr Philip Nitschke says VAD laws are working, but don’t go far enough

Euthanasia advocate Dr Philip Nitschke says the death of Lily Thai shows VAD laws are working, but don’t go far enough The death of terminally ill Lily Thai this week shows that voluntary assisted dying works, a euthanasia advocate has said – but there is more work to be done report Mitch Mott and  Lauren […]

June 19, 2023

Spend a day in a hospice and watch what dying’s really like

Spend a day in a hospice and watch what dying’s really like, then tell me that terminally ill people like me don’t deserve a better end, writes CHARLOTTE RAVEN in The Observer. The Royal College of Surgeons of England has announced that it is to drop its opposition to assisted dying, following a survey of […]

June 4, 2023

Sarco Pod Promises a Humane Death within 5 to 10 Minutes

The Sarco Pod Sarco Pod Promises a Humane Death within 5 to 10 Minutes reports De Volkskrant. The Sarco is viewed intently at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Dutch Society for a Voluntary End of Life (NVVE). Without hesitation, he stretches out on the black cushions of the Sarco Pod, a futuristic machine some […]

June 3, 2023

June 2023 DeBreather Update – Now Available

The June 2023 Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials Update brings important news on the 3rd and latest rendition of the R2D De Breather device. Since 2017, the Inventor of the ReBreather – DeBreather – Richard Avocet – has worked long and hard at making a device that allows for a peaceful and reliable death. June 2023 […]

June 2, 2023

Exit Submission to ‘Independent Review of Compulsory Assessment’

The Victorian Government in Australia is currently undertaking an ‘Independent review of compulsory assessment and treatment criteria and alignment of decision-making laws’. In light of the ‘sectionning’ of former Melbourne Chapter Coordinator, Chris Lovelock, in 2022, Lawrence Reddaway (new Melbourne Coordinator) has made an invaluable submission to this inquiry. As a reminder, Chris Lovelock had […]