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The Exit Internationalist

October 15, 2022

The messy morality of letting AI make life-and-death decisions

MIT Technology Review

The messy morality of letting AI make life-and-death decisions reports MIT Technology Review In a workshop in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Philip Nitschke—“Dr. Death” or “the Elon Musk of assisted suicide” to some—is overseeing the last few rounds of testing on his new Sarco machine before shipping it to Switzerland, where he says its first user […]

October 14, 2022

NYC musician dies in Switzerland after having ‘completed life’

Renowned NYC musician dies in Switzerland after having ‘completed life’ reports The Independent A renowned drummer who played with musicians from Michael Stipe to Herbie Hancock died by assisted suicide in Switzerland after having “completed life”. Anton Fier, 66, traveled to Basel, Switzerland, where he died by assisted suicide at the Pegasos clinic on September […]

October 13, 2022

Drummer Anton Fier Dies at 66

Drummer Anton Fier Dies at 66 reports the New York Times. Even at his musical peak in the 1980s, Anton Fier, a drummer, producer and bandleader who brought power and precision to his work with acts as diverse as the Feelies, Herbie Hancock, Laurie Anderson and his own star-studded ensemble, the Golden Palominos, seemed to […]

October 9, 2022

Landmark Dutch Euthanasia Court Case

The Landmark Dutch EuthanasiaCourt Case concerning Coöperatie Laatste Wil v State of the Netherlands will be livestreamed starting Monday 10 October. On Monday 10 October 2022 at 09.30, the District Court of The Hague will hear the lawsuit of the Coöperatie Laatste Wil (CLW) against the State. CLW and twenty-nine individual plaintiffs claim that the […]

October 8, 2022

Dr Phil Meets Dr Phil

Dr Phil Meets Dr Phil live on air. In August 2022, Exit’s ‘Dr Phil [Nitschke]’ took part in the American ‘Dr Phil [McGraw]’ show on the topic of Medical Aid in Dying. Zooming in from Amsterdam, other speakers were both in the studio and on the screen. Philip Nitschke’s participation can be viewed HERE The […]

October 1, 2022

Beyond State Borders in Assisted Suicide

AOL, Brendan Rascius

Beyond State Borders in Assisted Suicide A terminally-ill Connecticut woman is suing Vermont to drop their residency requirement for physician-assisted suicide. Bridgeport resident Lynda Bluestein, in addition to a Vermont physician, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Burlington last month that argues the Green Mountain State’s residency requirement for medical aid in […]

September 18, 2022

Euthanasia Convention for France

Euthanasia Convention for France “[A] Citizens’ Convention? Totally bogus” says Bruno Retailleau, leader of the right-wing Republicans reports Liberation. Retailleau’s remark is aimed at the “citizens’ consultation” to which Emmanuel Macron has referred the debates on euthanasia & assisted suicide. in a Citizens’ Convention, the head of state refrains from having an “official position”. While […]

September 14, 2022

Jean-Luc Godard dies in Switzerland

The Guardian, Angelique Chrisafisin

Jean-Luc Godard dies in Switzerland. Lawyer confirms he chose to end life through assisted dying The medical report on death of 91-year-old director said he had chosen to end his life   Jean-Luc Godard, the maverick French-Swiss director who revolutionised post-war cinema in Europe, died by assisted dying, his lawyer has confirmed. The medical report […]