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February 20, 2022

February Peaceful Pill eHandbook Sarco Update

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The February Peaceful Pill eHandbook Sarco Update represents the first substantial update to the eHandbook for the year.

The Sarco Update update presents a new Chapter on the device and answer the criticisms/ questions that have arisen in the mainstream media over recent months. Especially since the story of Sarco’s so-called ‘approval’ in Switzerland went viral in the global media.

February Peaceful Pill eHandbook Sarco Update

The Sarco is an exciting, futuristic project that needs to be contemplated and understood before firm conclusions can be drawn.

In the February Peaceful Pill eHandbook Sarco Update, you can read how Exit expects the Sarco to be used in Switzerland later this year.

More information about the Sarco can be found at

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February Peaceful Pill eHandbook Sarco Update

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