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November 17, 2024

New Exit Videocast on Sarco – Now Available

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Exit Video Podcast – the Sarco

On 23 September 2024, the 3D-printed Sarco device was successfully used in Switzerland for the first time.

The Sarco performed entirely as designed.

Upon the press of the interior button, the user (a seriously ill woman from the US) was able to have a fast, reliable and peaceful death.

Following legal advice, the only person present when the Sarco was used, was the director of The Last Resort, Dr Florian Willet.

After the Sarco was used, Florian waited patiently for 2 hours for the authorities to arrive.

Upon their arrival he was promptly arrested and detained.

The same night allegations would emerge from the prosecutor’s office that the woman had been – ‘possibly’ – strangled.

This new video/ podcast examines the backstory, including the evidence recorded by Exit that should put an allegation of strangulation into the realm of far-fetched and fanciful.  

The Podcast asks how is is that Florian can be held for so long and where is his presumption of innocence?

The evidence shows that the extent of Florian’s involvement was to stand by and watch while the user:

  • entered the Sarco unassisted;
  • closed the lid unassisted; and
  • pushed the button unassisted.

The oxygen trace record shows that the Sarco lid was not opened from the time she entered until when the authorities opened it themselves some hours later.

However, with still no autopsy report, it is impossible to say if the woman did or did not have external marks on her neck. If she did have injuries, who put them there because it was not Florian.

Is this Swiss justice? You decide.

This is the first Exit Podcast on the topic of the Sarco since August 2020.

An audio podcast is available on the normal Podcast page of the Peaceful Pill Handbook website.

Or Watch as a Videocast.

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