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The Exit Internationalist

August 25, 2024

A Scammer’s Playbook Exposed

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This week Exit received an extraordinary tale of plastic bag/ Nembutal scamming of an elderly Exit member in Germany.

The scammer lured ‘Fred’ (not his real name) in, until Fred parted with more and more money.

When one’s first language is not English, it can be much more difficult to detect the spelling and grammatical errors of the scammer: things that can give their game away.

The best advice when you are not sure who you are dealing with online, is to check the website.

This email address used in this scam <<>> has long been listed as a scam.

And remember … Exit does not and never has sold drugs or exit bags.

Indeed, this is contrary to our philosophy:

In order to keep yourself (and others close to you) safe from the law, you must organise yourself, and not ask someone else to help you.

This means you must make your own exit bag. This way no laws are broken.

When it comes to buying Nembutal online, you need to be aware that most of the time, this will be a scam.

Caveat Emptor …

The Scam

MESSAGE 1 – Exit Member Fred Smith

On Thu, 1 Aug 2024, 21:53 Fred Smith, <> wrote:


Please send me details how to obtain the aussie exit bag.
I am from Germany.

Kind regards


REPLY 1 – The Scammer

Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. August 2024 23:32
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: how to obtain the aussie exit bag
Hi , 
Just from receiving your message and sorry for the late response.
Price is 100 euros including delivery to Germany. 
Payment is PayPal. 
Kindly confirm and send shipping address.


Exit International

MESSAGE 2 – Fred Smith

On Thu, 1 Aug 2024, 22:46 Fred Smith, <> wrote:

Thank you for your reply.
Can you send me some pictures fron this Exit Bag?

Price is ok.


REPLY 2 – The Scammer

Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Samstag, 3. August 2024 00:54
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: how to obtain the aussie exit bag
How soon would you want delivery?
Asap ?

Keep me posted

Exit International

MESSAGE 3 – Fred Smith

On Sat, 3 Aug 2024, 06:56 Fred Smith, <> wrote:

Hello Phillip
Thank you for your reply.
I will discuss it with my wife.
Do you use Helium or Nitrogen?

Will I have problems with customs when importing into the EU?


REPLY 3, 3a, 3b – The Scammer

On Sun, 4 Aug 2024, 06:58 Phillip Nitschke, <> wrote:

It uses nitrogen . 
Customs wont be a problem.
Kindly keep me posted 

Kindest regards

Exit International


On Sun, 4 Aug 2024, 06:59 Phillip Nitschke, <> wrote:

Shipping is from Switzerland .

Exit International


Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 11. August 2024 09:10
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: how to optain the aussie exit bag
Good morning sir/madam 

Are you still interested to order the suicide bag ?

Kindly keep me posted.

Kindest regards

Exit International

MESSAGE 4 – Fred Smith

On Sun, 11 Aug 2024, 10:00 Fred Smith, <> wrote:


Yes, I am still interested.

Is the nitrogen pressure bottle included in the delivery?

Kind regards from Heidelberg

Fred Smith

REPLY 4 – The Scammer

Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 11. August 2024 11:46
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: how to obtain the aussie exit bag
Hi ,

Yes it’s included in the package . 

Please send me delivery address and do you already have PayPal ?

Keep me posted

Exit International

MESSAGE 5 – Fred Smith

On Mon, 12 Aug 2024, 21:46 Fred Smith, <> wrote:

Hello Phillip

Please give me your PayPal-Data for money transfer € 100,-

My delivery address:

Please send with DHL.


Fred Smith

REPLY 5 – The Scammer

Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. August 2024 08:09
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: Order – AW: how to optain the aussie exit bag
Thanks for coming back with your shipping address.
ThePayPal email is
Please i advise you use the Friends and family option to send the PayPal since you don’t have a prescription yet and also medical records to order the product ..
Send me a screenshot when done so i can proceed with your shipping and send you tracking number
I will use dhl ..

Exit International

MESSAGE 6 – Fred Smith

On Tue, 13 Aug 2024, 12:20 Fred Smith, <> wrote:


attached you find paypal payment for aussie exit bag

My shipping address is:


Kind regards


REPLY 6, 6a – The Scammer

On Tue, 13 Aug 2024, 12:37 Phillip Nitschke, <> wrote:

Ok. As soon as it’s shipped out .

I will send you tracking number and full shipping details.


Exit International


Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. August 2024 19:57
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: Order – AW: how to optain the aussie exit bag
Hi ,
I am just from dhl . They insisted that we should pay custom fees since patient don’t have medical records nor prescription to order the product for painless exit .

The customs fee costs 50 euros only . 

You will have to provide it so i can proceed with your delivery.


Exit International

MESSAGE 7 – Fred Smith

On Tue, 13 Aug 2024, 21:52 Fred Smith, <> wrote:

This isn’t the first time you’ve sent the exit bag to Germany, is it?

Surely you must know in advance that customs duties will be incurred?

I pay the € 50,- but I can NOT clear the shipment at customs in Germany.

If you cannot ensure this, I will cancel the purchase!

REPLY 7 – The Scammer

Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. August 2024 11:52
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: Order – AW: how to optain the aussie exit bag
Good morning my friend,
The shipping company is requesting prescription or medical order script for patient before they can proceed with delivery.
All patients from exit international must have a prescription to order the suicide bag before it can be shipped .

It costs 30 euro . As soon as it’s done, i will then proceed with delivery of your package and send you tracking details.

Thanks and waiting

Exit International

On Wed, 14 Aug 2024, 12:14 Phillip Nitschke, <> wrote:

Ok. I will keep you posted asap.

Kindest regards

Exit International

MESSAGE 8 – Fred Smith

On Fri, 16 Aug 2024, 13:51 Fred Smith, <> wrote:


Let me summarize

You write:

“Price is 100 euros including delivery to Germany”

I paid with PayPal   € 100,-

“Customs wont be a problem”

And later

“I am just from DHL . They insisted that we should pay custom fees since patient don’t have medical records nor prescription to order the product for painless exit”

“The customs fee costs 50 euros only”

I paid with PayPal   € 50,-

And further

“The shipping company is requesting prescription or medical order script for patient before they can proceed with delivery.

“All patients from exit international must have a prescription to order the suicide bag before it can be shipped .

It costs 30 euros”

• 30 euros for a prescription that someone writes for me?
• What must be written in detail on the prescription? Can my doctor write it?

• Who will clear the exit-bag through customs now? The € 50 has already been paid.
• Do I have to collect the goods from the customs warehouse in my city? I can not do it as already written.

Kind regards


REPLY 8, 8a, 8b – The Scammer

On Fri, 16 Aug 2024, 18:11 Phillip Nitschke, <> wrote:

I want to assure you that this is the last thing you will have to pay for and if something else come up , then you can think otherwsie .

On normal terms us exit international will need patients medical records before we can proceed with the sales of such products .

Nembutal solution is best for euthanasia and more effective than the exit bag .

I think you can order Nembutal or proceed with your order for exit bag .

Kindly keep me posted

Exit International


Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. August 2024 19:22
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: Order – AW: how to optain the aussie exit bag
It will costs 30 euro and we will do if from our main office at exit .


Exit International


Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. August 2024 08:19
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: Order – AW: how to optain the aussie exit bag
Hi, please make sure to provide the 39 euro asap .

Thanks again

Exit International

MESSAGE 9 – Fred Smith

On Sun, 18 Aug 2024, 09:42 Fred Smith, <> wrote:

“Nembutal solution is best for euthanasia and more effective than the exit bag .
I think you can order Nembutal or proceed with your order for exit bag .”

Can I now buy this as an alternative to the exit bag through Exit, or not?


REPLY 9 – The Scammer

Von: Phillip Nitschke <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. August 2024 15:28
An: Fred Smith <>
Subject: Re: Order – AW: how to optain the aussie exit bag
I think it will be better for you to order Nembutal from us .

Nembutal has been tested and confirmed for euthanasia than the exit bag .

Costs is 400 euro including delivery to Germany .

Since you already paid for the exit bag, will send both at once .

Let me know 

Exit International


Have I fallen victim to a scammer?

Greetings from Germany 
Fred Smith


Unfortunately … yes!

For details on how to make your own Exit bag and how to source nitrogen, please look at the online Peaceful Pill eHandbook which is available in English, German, Italian, Dutch, French and Spanish.

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