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Online Article

September 19, 2021

Sandy Morris Challenges California Law

Lisa Krieger, Mercury News

Sandy Morris Challenges California Law – But How? Sandy Morris challenges California law because when found out she would die of ALS, she resolved that she would bravely, peacefully and legally end her own life, surrounded by her beloved family and views of the Sierra Nevada. California’s End of Life Option Act requires that people […]

September 17, 2021

How voluntary assisted dying will work in Queensland

How voluntary assisted dying will work in Queensland The ABC reports that Queensland Parliament has voted to legalise voluntary assisted dying (VAD), although it will still be some time before the laws take effect. So who is eligible and what will be involved? Can doctors conscientiously object and what about access in a faith-based aged […]

July 20, 2021

Dutch Public Prosecutor Takes Issue with Euthanasia Assessments

Dutch News in English

Dutch Public Prosecutor Takes Issue with Euthanasia Assessments- Rinus Otte – is the cause of the fact that the public prosecution department and regional euthanasia review committees which monitor compliance are embroiled in a dispute about the rules for carrying out euthanasia in the Netherlands, newspaper Trouw reported on Tuesday, citing confidential correspondence. The dispute, […]

July 18, 2021

New Mexico Erases Barriers to Medical Aid to Dying

Medscape, Roxanne Nelson

Medscape reports how New Mexico Erases Some Barriers to Medical Aid to Dying A new law that allows medical aid in dying (MAID) as an option for terminally ill, mentally capable adults went into effect last month in New Mexico. New Mexico is the 10th state (plus one jurisdiction) to have such a law, but […]

July 13, 2021

Montreal man to be among first to use Canada’s revised medical aid in dying law

The Independent, Danielle Zoellner

The Independent has reported that a Montreal man to be among first to use Canada’s revised medical aid in dying law – Yves Monette – 62, has been granted permission to receive medical aid in dying from an authorised doctor on Wednesday. This came after Mr Monette was previously denied the option given the fact […]

July 4, 2021

Italy Gets 750,000+ Signatures for its Referendum

Italy Gets 750,000+ Signatures for its Referendum for its referendum which means that the country looks set to repeal the punishment for assistance in dying of a consenting individual. According to Philip Nitschke this amounts to Swiss model law reform. In 2013 the Italian right to die group, Association Luca Coscioni presented a legislative proposal […]