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March 15, 2024

Dutch Doctors Association Reject Completed Life Bill

Exit News

In November 2023, the Dutch political party D66 submitted an amended ‘Completed Life’ (Voltooid Leven) bill to the Dutch Parliament. Responding to criticism, they tightened the eligibility criteria by mandating that people ‘aged 75 and older who feel that their life is complete and therefore want to end it with help at a time of […]

February 26, 2024

Canada’s assisted dying laws in spotlight as expansion paused again

The Guardian

Canada’s assisted dying laws in spotlight as expansion paused again Canada has one of the highest rates of euthanasia in the world, with 4.1% of deaths aided by doctors, but moves to make it more accessible are being questioned. When Canada’s justice minister announced plans to legalise medically assisted dying nearly a decade ago, she […]

November 27, 2023

ECHR Begins Hearing Right-to-Die Case

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) began hearing the case of Hungarian constitutional lawyer Daniel Karsai on Monday, in what observers say has raised long-overdue debates in Hungary about self-determination and ending life with dignity. Karsai, 47, is terminally ill with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a form of motor neurone disease, and is arguing […]

October 1, 2023

Widower suicide spurs euthanasia drug worry

The Australian newspaper reports that a ‘Widower suicide spurs euthanasia drug worry’. Voluntary assisted dying advocates insist euthanasia drugs should continue to be dispensed to dying people at home despite an elderly Queensland widower taking the lethal substance meant for his terminally ill wife. In the first suspected abuse of a VAD scheme in Australia, […]

February 21, 2023

Swiss Suicide Assist Doctor Acquitted After 5-year Battle

Agence France Press

A Swiss doctor who helped a healthy elderly woman to commit suicide alongside her seriously-ill husband was acquitted by a Geneva court after a five-year legal odyssey, court papers showed Tuesday. Pierre Beck, who at the time of the couple’s deaths in April 2017 was vice-president of the assisted suicide provider group Exit in French-speaking […]

June 5, 2022

Scottish Assisted Suicide Bill is Delayed

A Scottish Assisted Suicide Bill is Delayed is the news from Orkney MSP, who pledged to bring forward assisted dying proposals this year. He has said that the bill will now be introduced at the start of next year, instead. Liam McArthur MSP has blamed an “unprecedented” response to a consultation on his plans as […]