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The Exit Internationalist

Online Article

May 30, 2018

Echontedaily Byron Bay, Chris Dobney

Jim*, a disabled pensioner living in the Tweed, was paid a surprise middle-of-the-night visit on Friday (May 25) by local police to inquire as to his ‘mental state’ and whether or not he had imported the euthanasia drug Nembutal. Jim told Echonetdaily two police shone torches through the windows of his duplex and banged on […]

May 28, 2018

‘Suicide tourism’ & understanding the Swiss model of the right to die

Samuel Blouin, The Conversation

Two weeks ago, the 104-year-old Australian scientist David Goodall flew from his home in Western Australia to Switzerland to access assisted suicide with the help of lifecircle and Exit International, two right-to-die societies. Goodall was part of a broader but marginal phenomenon sometimes referred to as “suicide tourism.” This occurs when a person travels to […]