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October 13, 2020

Dutch to Clarify Law on Euthanasia for Children aged > 1 year

Dutch News

The Dutch government is discussing whether to change or clarify the law to help terminally sick children aged between one and 12 to die. In a cabinet meeting earlier this week, health minister Hugo de Jonge raised the issue of a ‘grey area’ between doctors giving palliative sedation to relieve the suffering of these young […]

September 23, 2020

Fake News Alert: the State of Hawaii did not purchase 30 Sarcos!

In a Facebook post on 16 August 2020, the State of Hawaii reported the following: “As of January 1st, 2019, the state of Hawaii legalized assisted suicide. With the legalization, doctors can now prescribe death as a medical procedure. To aid Hawaii’s medical providers, we have purchased 30 passing assistance pods. These pods/machines are prescribed […]

September 6, 2020

Alain Cocq: Facebook Prevents Incurably Ill Man from Live Death

FR24 News

Facebook says it will prevent a Frenchman suffering from an incurable disease from broadcasting live his own death. Alain Cocq, 57, was planning to air his final days after starting to refuse food, drink and medicine on Saturday. President Emmanuel Macron had previously rejected his request for euthanasia. Mr. Cocq wants the law in France […]

August 25, 2020

Meet the woman campaigning for her right to die just for being old

Euronews, Camille Bello

Jacqueline Jencquel has been campaigning for the right to die for the past ten years. She gained popularity as a lobbyist for the cause after a Swiss newspaper came across her blog “La vieillesse est une maladie incurable” (Old age is an incurable disease). Jencquel is 76 years old, she’s not suffering from any serious […]

August 16, 2020

Professor Sean Davison struck off register in New Zealand

IOL Cape Times, Francesca Villette

Cape Town – Euthanasia advocate Professor Sean Davison’s plans to move back to his birth country have been abandoned after he was charged with professional misconduct and struck off the medical register in New Zealand. He said he still failed to understand why “helping three men to end their unbearable suffering” made him unfit to […]

July 14, 2020

Is Pentobarbital ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment? Executions to Go Ahead

Associated Press

On Monday 13 July, it was reported that a Federal Court of Appeals Judge in Washington DC blocked the four federal executions schedule for July / August 2020 in various US states because ‘pentobarbital-only’ executions were argued to pose “an unconstitutionally significant risk of serious pain.” The US Supreme Court has since stepped in. Listen […]