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The Exit Internationalist

Newspaper Media

November 18, 2018

WA government to consider Victorian laws when forming right-to-die legislation

WA government to consider Victorian laws when forming right-to-die legislation, AAP

The West Australian government says it will take a close look at Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying laws in forming its right-to-die legislation. The McGowan government plans to introduce the bill, drafted by an 11-member expert panel chaired by former WA governor Malcolm McCusker, next year. It follows a parliamentary committee that received about 700 submissions […]

November 11, 2018

Euthanasia Pioneer Nitschke warns of ‘beg and grovel’ legislation

Thomas Manch, The Dominion Post

A proposed law to allow voluntary death for the terminally ill has been labelled “beg and grovel” legislation by euthanasia pioneer Dr Philip Nitschke. The first doctor to administer euthanasia, Nitschke is holding public talks and instructional workshops on the subject with his pro-euthanasia group Exit International this week. On Thursday, about 30 members gathered in a meeting room behind St Andrew’s church […]

August 28, 2018

Right to death should be personal choice, say Exit members

Sally Pryor, Canberra Times

Not many people have seen what Jan Clifford has when it comes to terrible deaths. During her 30-year career as a physiotherapist in intensive care, she saw hundreds of people die in ways they never would have wanted, given the choice. Now that she’s nearing 70, Ms Clifford said it become even more important to […]

May 4, 2018

NYT: Why David Goodall, 104, Renowned Australian Scientist, Wants to Die

Yonette Joseph, New York Times

David Goodall, 104, who is believed to be Australia’s oldest scientist, wants to die. But he can’t do it in his own country, where assisted suicide is banned. So on Wednesday, he took what was expected to be his last flight, bound for Europe, to accomplish his goal — and renewed a debate in Australia […]

April 24, 2018

Is extreme old age a terminal condition?

Martin Hansen, The Gisborne Herald

David Seymour’s End of Life Choice bill, now before Parliament, is similar to legislation and proposed legislation in other countries in that it is restricted to those who wish to die because they are terminally ill or are enduring unbearable suffering that cannot be relieved by palliative care. In this context it’s relevant to consider […]

April 19, 2018

Suicide machine controlled by blink of eye sparks euthanasia debate

Anthony Cuthbertson, The Independent

Opponents of euthanasia have expressed concern at the creation of a “suicide machine”, which has been developed by Dr Philip Nitschke. The well-known advocate of individuals’ right to die has regularly caused controversy by assisting what he calls “rational suicides”. Having developed machines in the past that could be used by individuals to inject themselves with […]