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The Exit Internationalist

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September 24, 2011

Exit Member Pleads for SA Bill to Pass

With the South Australian parliament due to vote for a third time this week on Labor MP Steph Key’s Medical Decriminalisation Bill, Exit Member Terry O’Connell, who suffers from advanced MS has spoken out on ABC TV’s Stateline SA. Her story is no longer available.

March 13, 2011

The Meaning of Life according to Philip Nitschke

Sunday night’s guest on the ABC TV’s flagship program Compass – Life’s Big Questions with Scott Stephens – Dr Philip Nitschke, one of our most controversial Australians. Philip’s stand on voluntary euthanasia has inextricably connected him to death, and he has a lot to say about the meaning of life too. Watch the film here.

January 1, 2011

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General This policy sets out how Exit International manages information which it collects from you. Exit International is bound by the National Privacy Principles which are contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act and is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  (effective 25 May 2018). Information collected by Exit International Exit International collects personal […]