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October 25, 2016

The VSED Exit

New York Times, Paula Span

The VSED Exit: A Way to Speed Up Dying, Without Asking Permission reports the New York Times Del Greenfield had endured repeated bouts of cancer over four decades, yet kept working as a peace activist in Portland, Ore., into her 80s. “She was a powerful force,” said her daughter, Bonnie Reagan. But in 2007, Ms. […]

September 16, 2016

The death that divided Sean Davison’s family

Sydney Morning Herald, Peter Munro

Assisted suicide & the death that divided Sean Davison’s family reports the Sydney Morning Herald.   “I will be informing the police that you murdered our mother.” Sean Davison received the single-line email at 1pm on Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 19 months after the funeral. He hadn’t seen his sister Mary since they had posed […]

August 29, 2016

Are we asking the wrong question on Dying with Dignity?

Dr Deb Campbell, Rationalist Society of Australia

Television producer and performer Andrew Denton has provided us all with some useful and important information about voluntary euthanasia in his podcast series and book, and has asked some interesting questions. Unfortunately they are not the questions about dying with dignity that actually need to be answered. Andrew is proposing a bureaucratic, literally tortuous process […]

August 28, 2016

Controversial Belgian Psychiatrist at Exit Conference

Controversial Belgian Psychiatrist, Dr Lieve Thienpont, was one of three international keynote speakers at Exit’s 20th anniversary conference at the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne on 22 September. A graduate of the University of Ghent, since 2011 Dr Thienpont has been a founding member of the Life Ending Information Forum at the Free University […]

June 27, 2016

Good Luck to Jay Franklin & VEP in 2 July Election

Exit’s Social Media Manager, Jay Franklin, is running against anti-euthanasia bigot, Kevin Andrews, in the Victorian seat of Menzies in the 2016 Australian Federal Election. On Election day, all Australians should remember that it was Kevin Andrews who brought down the Northern Territory’s Rights of the Terminally Ill Act. Now it’s time to ‘dumb Kevin’! […]

May 3, 2016

Dutch Euthanasia Cases Rise in 2015

NL Times, Janene Pieters

The number of euthanasia cases increased by 4 percent last year. A total of 5,516 people died by euthanasia in 2015, according to the annual report by the five regional euthanasia review committees, ANP reports. The most common reason for euthanasia to be requested was cancer. The number of granted euthanasia requests due to dementia […]