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The Exit Internationalist

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November 28, 2017

‘Suicide machine’ harnesses 3D printing technology

Fox News

A high-tech ‘suicide machine’ is being touted by a euthanasia advocacy group. It’s called the Sarco capsule, and it has a single, simple purpose: to help you commit suicide, painlessly and efficiently. “Sarco does not use any restricted drugs, or require any special expertise such as the insertion of an intravenous needle,” says Dr. Philip […]

November 28, 2017

Victoria Passes Right to Die Law … Finally

After marathon debates in both Houses of Parliament, the Victorian Parliament has revived euthanasia in Australia by passing the first right to die law since the Northern Territory’s Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 21 years ago. In 1996, Exit Founder & Director Dr Philip Nitschke administered the world’s first legal, lethal voluntary injection to […]

September 25, 2017

Dead right: Philip Nitschke condemns our ‘prehistoric’ euthanasia laws

The Big Smoke Australia by Ingeborg van Teeseling

With the topic of legalising euthanasia up for debate in parliament this week, I travelled to Holland to speak to the man who started the conversation. You have been putting up with portraits of often long-dead Australian mavericks from me for weeks now, as part of my attempt to entertain and inspire. This time, though, […]

August 19, 2017

Euthanasia Flash Mob on Gold Coast

On Saturday 19 August, the Exit community came together to celebrate Philip Nitschke’s 70th Birthday and Exit International’s 20th Birthday. Watch Now on Vimeo Over 50 people of all ages took place in an impromptu flash mob dance to Bon Jovi’s anthem, ‘It’s my life’. It was great fun and the dance was completed before […]

June 24, 2017

This is What Government Censorship Looks Like

Have you ever wondered what Government Censorship looks like? Have you ever wondered how the Australian Government actively works to prevent seriously ill & elderly Australians from accessing end of life information? MND Sufferer Grant McKenzie of Perth found out this month when his book was confiscated at the border by Australian Customs With increasingly […]

May 12, 2017

Suzy Austen goes to trial in Wellington on 12 February 2018

Stuff NZ

Exit’s former Wellington Chapter Coordinator Suzy Austen has pleaded not guilty to aiding a suicide and importing a drug that can be used for euthanasia. Suzy goes to trial on 12 February 2018. Suzy Austen, 65, has been charged with aiding (Exit International Life Member) Annemarie Niesje Treadwell to commit suicide between December 2015 and […]