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The Exit Internationalist

General Article

April 15, 2019

The Swiss Services Revisited

In the past year Exit has been intimately involved in the high profile deaths of two Australians: 104-year old Professor David Goodall and Melbourne fireman, Troy Thornton. Our intimate experience with the travels and travails of these two men caused Exit to pen a new chapter on the Swiss services for the March 2019 update […]

April 14, 2019

Sarco Global Launch @ Venice Design 2019

Exit is pleased and honored to announce the global launch of Sarco @ Venice Design at the Palazzo Michiel dalle Colonne. For the past 6 months, the world’s first Sarco has been being printed at the Maak 3D precinct in Haarlem in the Netherlands. The first full-size, 3D-printed Sarco will now be unveiled in Venice […]

April 1, 2019

2019 Peaceful Pill Handbook – Now Available

There are 2 published versions of the Peaceful Pill Handbook: Print OR Online. 1. Online Edition – Peaceful Pill eHandbook Continuously updated with new information Available on 24 month subscription basis (US$85) Contains 50+ videos Allows access to Peaceful Pill Forums (on approval & after 1 month wait period) Printed from live URL secure line […]

January 20, 2019

Former Melbourne Fireman Troy Thornton Raises $16k

Former Melbourne fireman Troy Thornton has raised around $16,000 on crowd funding site, Go Fund Me, to help fund his trip to the Life Circle assisted suicide service in Basel Switzerland. Troy, who is suffering from Multiple System Atrophy, was forced to launch the campaign after Zurich service Dignitas refused to refund any part of […]

August 30, 2018

Tribute to Novelist, Biographer & Public Intellectual Dr Peter Corris

The world is a poorer place today – 30 August 2018 – after hearing of the death of Dr Peter Corris. A respected novelist, columnist and public intellectual in Australia, Peter was also the biographer of Exit Founder, Dr Philip Nitschke. In 2013, Philip and Peter collaborated on a year long writing project. The result […]

May 28, 2018

Australian, 104, dies in assisted suicide in Switzerland

Associated Press, PHILIPP JENNE

LIESTAL, Switzerland (AP) — A 104-year-old Australian biologist who drew international attention to his right-to-die case ended his life in Switzerland on Thursday, an advocacy group said. Exit International, the group that helped David Goodall carry out his wish, said the scientist was declared dead at 12:30 p.m. in Liestal, a town outside the city […]