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May 17, 2020

Doxit Podcasts: A regular discussion with the authors of the Peaceful Pill Handbook

The Doxits is a regular series of podcasts with the authors of the Peaceful Pill eHandbook. Drs Philip Nitschke & Fiona Stewart discuss the updates to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook as well as interesting Assisted Suicide/ Voluntary Euthanasia news reports from around the world. If you would like to send us your comments, you may […]

May 16, 2020

How much Chloroquine should Donald Trump take?

With all the hype coming out of the White House these days, it’s appropriate to turn our attention back to Chloroquine as an end of life strategy. Far from curing COVID-19, the more sensible question concerns the amount of the drug that a person wishing to end their own life (perhaps including the President) should […]

May 4, 2020

Introducing Exit’s new Man in Melbourne – Damian Flowers

In May 2008, Philip Nitschke received an urgent email requesting a private visit with 30-year old Melbourne writer, Angelique Flowers. Angelique had been diagnosed with stage IV bowel cancer and, as she said, ‘there is on stage V. The email was written by her brother Damian. Angelique died tragically a few months later. Her story […]

April 15, 2020

COVID-19 Peaceful Pill eHandbook Edition

With COVID-19 upon us, the April 2020 update to the online Peaceful Pill eHandbook presents ‘the good death’ (euthanasia) in the context of the pandemic. Topics include: What is a COVID-19 death like? What is it like to be put on a ventilator? If I get COVID, should I refuse medical treatment? Are there any […]

March 22, 2020

50% PPeH Discount for Exit Members

In this time of COVID-19, we are pleased to offer current financial Exit Members a 50% discount on the leading guide on assisted suicide/ euthanasia, the online Peaceful Pill eHandbook. The special discount price for Exit members is US$42.50 (regular price $85) for 24 months. Use the code ‘exitgood’ at the check-out. Subscribe Exit workshops […]

March 4, 2020

Germany’s top court paves the way for assisted suicide

Deutsche Welle

Germany’s highest court has overturned a section of the criminal code forbidding all forms of assisted suicide. Many terminally ill patients and medical professionals had fought to see the law scrapped. “I want to end it if the pain gets unbearable,” 63-year-old Melanie S. tells Lukas Radbruch, a doctor at University Hospital Bonn, who has […]