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October 29, 2020

New Zealand votes to legalise euthanasia in referendum

On Saturday 17 October 2020, New Zealand held its most recent federal election. Coupled with the election were 2 referenda. One on euthanasia, the other on cannabis. In counting to date, around 65% of voters voted in favour of legalising assisted suicide/ assisted dying for the terminally ill. The final result will not be known […]

October 20, 2020

Sarco X – New Short Film

Sarco X is now complete and awaiting final workshop testing in Haarlem, NL. Italian film maker, Francesco Mattuzzi, has made a short film of Sarco X and Philip Nitschke’s first response to seeing the new design and operation. The film was shot in the Netherlands in August 2020. More about Sarco X is at […]

October 10, 2020

Coffee & Chat with Philip

Exit invites all members to register now for our final end-of-year Coffee & Chat (online) with Exit Founder & Director Philip Nitschke. This special session will be a great way for Philip to speak to Exit Members in a relaxed, friendly session. As numbers will be limited per event, so registrations are essential. Sunday 20 […]

October 4, 2020

USA Today – Posts satirize Euthanasia Law: Hawaii bought ‘passing assistance pods’

USA Today, McKenzie Sadeghi

Posts satirize euthanasia law, saying Hawaii bought ‘passing assistance pods’ USA Today, McKenzie Sadeghi The claim: Hawaii bought dozens of ‘passing assistance pods’ following the legalization of assisted suicide Social media posts across Facebook are sharing a satirical view of euthanasia, claiming Hawaii purchased 30 “passing assistance pods.” The claim originated on a satirical Facebook page, The State of Hawaii, which […]

September 23, 2020

Fake News Alert: the State of Hawaii did not purchase 30 Sarcos!

In a Facebook post on 16 August 2020, the State of Hawaii reported the following: “As of January 1st, 2019, the state of Hawaii legalized assisted suicide. With the legalization, doctors can now prescribe death as a medical procedure. To aid Hawaii’s medical providers, we have purchased 30 passing assistance pods. These pods/machines are prescribed […]

September 1, 2020

Mega Topic Update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook

The September 2020 update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook contains: New Chapter – Physiology of a Good Death Explained Hypoxic Hypoxia (eg. Sarco) Hypemic Hypoxia (eg. Nitrite) Ischemic Hypoxia (eg. Chloroquine) Histotoxic Hypoxia (eg. Azide) New Chapter – New US Lethal Drug Mixtures (inc D-DMA) Nitrite News Nembutal Scams Update Pegasos Update Sarco X Update […]