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The Exit Internationalist

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March 9, 2021

New Doxit Podcast – The Inevitable: Dispatches on the Right to Die

New Doxit Podcast Exit first met Katie Englehart about 5 years ago when she was part of the production team behind the Vice documentary, Time to Die. After 4 years of filming, Vice had footage on just about everyone that Philip Nitschke had met. It was via this immersion that Engelhart would change mediums, and […]

March 8, 2021

Liberation France – Profile on Philip Nitschke

Julie Brafman, Liberation

The Australian Dr Philip Nitschke, the head of the global pro-euthanasia group Exit International, is the first doctor to legally assist someone to die. He has also just completed his latest creation: a futuristic capsule that makes it possible to finish without medical assistance. Perhaps he would have remained an unknown doctor at the hospital […]

February 28, 2021

Demand for Swiss assisted dying: clinic inquiries soar

Hayden Johnson, Courier Mail

Queenslanders desperate for a painless death are turning to Switzerland’s world renowned assisted-dying clinic ahead of the state considering its own end-of-life laws. Pegasos, voluntary assisted dying clinic based in the northern Swiss town of Basel, is receiving almost daily inquiries from Queenslanders. The clinic which opened in 2019 has received more inquiries from Queensland […]

February 20, 2021

Canada votes to relax MAID requirements

Huffington Post

OTTAWA — Senators overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday to expand access to medical assistance in dying with amendments that would relax access even more than proposed by the government. A revised version of Bill C-7 was passed in the Senate by a vote of 66-19, with three abstentions. The bill is intended to extend eligibility […]

February 19, 2021

New Doxit Podcast – USA Lethal Mixtures

In this week’s Doxit Podcast we discuss the February 2021 update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook which focuses on the USA Lethal Mixtures. Since the scarcity of Nembutal – the best end of life drug – in the US due to both its prohibitive price and the refusal of EU drug manufacturers to sell the […]

Doxit Podcast USA Lethal Mixtures

February 15, 2021

February 2021 Update – The USA Lethal Mixtures

One of the advantages of working under the Californian End of Life Option Act is that doctors are well-placed to continually assess the best (non-barbiturate) drug combinations for a peaceful death. The February 2021 Peaceful Pill eHandbook update follows the developments on which drugs work and how, and in which combinations. Some people may have […]