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September 11, 2021

Sarco @ Suizid Let’s Talk about it Exhibition

Sarco @ Suizid Let’s Talk about it Exhibition at the Museum for Sepulkralkultur in Kassel, Germany opened on 10 September 2021. The Museum of Sepulchral Culture is a space dealing with the topics of dying, death, mourning and remembrance since 1992. The new exhibition – ‘Suizid let’s talk about it’ – is led by the […]

September 5, 2021

Stop Euthanasia & Make Way for Assisted Suicide

Wim Graafland, Medisch Contact

Stop Euthanasia & make way for Assisted Suicide by Wim Graafland Graafland was a general practitioner for over thirty years and now looks back on his experiences with  euthanasia. He concludes that the central position of doctors at the end of life is unnecessary and must  make way for assisted suicide, without an active physician […]

August 29, 2021

Exit Submission to Australian Senate Committee

29 August 2021 Dear Colleagues Please accept the below as my submission to your Committee in regard to why the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 should remove Section 50A in its entirety. As I understand it, the purpose of the ‘Ensuring Northern Territory Rights Bill 2021’ is to ‘reduce the level of Commonwealth interference with […]

August 24, 2021

Exit dog Henny dies peacefully at home

The Exit tagline ‘I’d rather die like a dog’ became especially poignant recently with the death of 12-year old Henny Penny, a Jack Russell x who was known and loved by many in the Exit community. Four years ago, Henny was diagnosed with heart valve failure; a common condition in small dogs. The diagnosis gave […]

August 22, 2021

The printable coffin of ‘Doctor Death’

El Mundo, Benjamin G Rosado

The Printable Coffin of ‘Doctor Death’, the Australian Guru of Euthanasia reports El Mundo in Spain. “It’s not for sale, but anyone can print it out at home and assemble it by following the instructions,” says Nitschke. He presented it in 2019 at the Venice Biennale and several people, he says, have been interested from […]

August 15, 2021

New Exit Podcast – The Azide Wars

The Azide Wars have come about with the advent in the Netherlands of Middel X as an end of life method. As a country where voluntary euthanasia has long been legal, there has been a groundswell of discontentment amongst older people who resent having to ask doctors for help to die. Addressing this souring mood […]