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June 1, 2022

The Last Waltz by Sean Davison

The Last Waltz by Sean Davison – July 2019 Update – Cape Town Sth Africa Sean has been sentenced to three years House Arrest and a Five Year Suspended Sentence for assisting in the suicides of three men, in excruciating pain, to gently leave this life. 1) ANRICH BURGER, a medical doctor, became a quadriplegic […]

May 21, 2022

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese & Voluntary Euthanasia

Anthony Albanese is Australia’s new Prime Minister and Exit congratulates him on his election. The Backstory about Anthony Albanese & the Right to Die On 22 September 1996, Darwin man Bob Dent became the first person in the world to receive a legal, lethal, voluntary injection under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act of […]

May 20, 2022

Council of State says Completed Life Euthanasia Proposal needs more safeguards against misuse

NL Times

The Dutch Council of State says Completed life euthanasia proposal needs more safeguards against misuse reports the NL Times. The Council of State believes that the bill for euthanasia at the end of a full life is not yet good enough. It needs more safeguards to establish that people are really eligible for euthanasia, the […]

May 1, 2022

Sarco goes to Poland

The Sarco goes to Poland to feature in a new play that debates end of life rights. It stands on the base, which is connected to the socket with an ordinary charger, like a laptop. Then some elements of the housing begin to glow. At first glance, the whole thing looks like a bobsleigh. Or […]

April 22, 2022

The 10 strangest artefacts in Australian museums – sorted

The Guardian, Charmaine Manuel

A few months after the pandemic was declared and the cultural life of our cities came to a halt, museum curators around the world started posting their collections on social media in a #curatorbattle started by the Yorkshire Museum. The weekly challenges unearthed #sassiestobject, #fantasticfakes, #mysteryobjects and even the #bestmuseumbum. But it was really #creepiestobject […]

April 6, 2022

Family threaten legal action against Swiss assisted suicide clinic

Family threaten legal action against Swiss assisted suicide clinic where American woman died Krista Atkins rejected her family’s concerns just before her death by suicide in June 2020.  The family of an American woman who died by assisted suicide in Switzerland has threatened to take legal action against the clinic where she died. Krista Atkins, […]