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May 12, 2024

Dutch Court Prosecution is Blamed for the Death of Loek de L.

This obituary was originally published in the newsletter of Cooperation Last Will organisation in the Netherlands. The author is Hans Peltenburg. Seven members of this group are currently being prosecuted for supplying sodium azide amongst themselves to their members. One of those being prosecuted was Loek de L. So now there are six… Loek died […]

May 1, 2024

93 Year Old Sentenced to 9 Years Jail for Murdering his Elderly Wife

ABC News

By Elizabeth Byrne Canberra’s oldest killer will die in custody after he was sentenced to nine years in jail for the murder of his wife by the ACT Supreme Court on Monday. Donald Morley, 93, pleaded guilty after suffocating Jean Morley, 92, in her bed in July last year. It was the last act in […]

April 21, 2024

Prosecutor Demands Prison Sentences in Middel X Case

De Volkskrant

Six (former) members of Coöperatie Laatste Wil have been given prison sentences ranging from 30 to 6 months in the mega criminal case concerning the distribution of suicide powder Middel X. The public prosecutor is seeking a single acquittal, against former board member Petra de Jong. The prosecutor has painted a picture of ‘profound idealism’: […]

April 14, 2024

A Public Debate about Tired of Life in Belgium?

In Belgium this week, the Chairman of the health fund, Christian Mutual, Luc Van Gorp, has said that those who feel that their life is complete, should be able to end it. In an interview with the Belgian newspaper, Nieuwsblad, Luc Van Gorp said that he wants people at the end of their lives to […]

April 8, 2024

The Meaning of Life in an Eclipse by Philip Nitschke

In 2002 during the filming of Janine Hosking’s documentary, Mademoiselle and the Doctor, Exit founder Philip Nitschke got to experience a total eclipse in the Australian outback. Hosking used the occasion to ask Philip about his religious beliefs and what the eclipse meant to him.  

March 25, 2024

Psychiatrists Must Face the Raw Reality


Psychological suffering Euthanasia for psychiatric patients ís a thorny issue. But you cannot solve it by not paying attention, argues Dutch Psychiatrist Menno Oosterhoff. My colleague, psychiatrist Joeri Tijdink, recently questioned in NRC whether all the focus on euthanasia, due to mental illness, is healthy (19/3). Healthy for whom, I immediately thought. For people with […]