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The Exit Internationalist


July 7, 2024

CLW Activists Escape Jail Tim


Two of the six former members of the Coöperatie Laatste Wil (CLW) were this week found guilty of distributing Middel X (sodium azide) amongst their members. According to a Dutch Court in the southern city of Arnhem, these six activists formed a criminal organisation to enable assisted suicide.  All those charged were over the age […]

March 15, 2024

Dutch Doctors Association Reject Completed Life Bill

Exit News

In November 2023, the Dutch political party D66 submitted an amended ‘Completed Life’ (Voltooid Leven) bill to the Dutch Parliament. Responding to criticism, they tightened the eligibility criteria by mandating that people ‘aged 75 and older who feel that their life is complete and therefore want to end it with help at a time of […]

June 5, 2022

Legalising assisted suicide is a slippery slope says Dr Anthony Latham

Legalising assisted suicide is a slippery slope says Dr Anthony Latham in the Scotsman. Not so fast says Exit International! When an opinion piece appears in the right to life press, my tendency is usually to dismiss it. Because it is written for a specific, one-eyed readership, it is to be expected that the arguments […]

May 21, 2022

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese & Voluntary Euthanasia

Anthony Albanese is Australia’s new Prime Minister and Exit congratulates him on his election. The Backstory about Anthony Albanese & the Right to Die On 22 September 1996, Darwin man Bob Dent became the first person in the world to receive a legal, lethal, voluntary injection under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act of […]

May 1, 2022

Exitorial: The Power of the Written Word in the Michelle Carter Case

Exitorial: The Power of the Written Word in the Michelle Carter Case Michelle Carter was only 17 years old, a year younger than her 18 year old boyfriend Conrad Roy, when she wrote sent the text messages that would later frame the rest of her life. ‘Get back in the fucking truck’ she infamously wrote, […]



April 3, 2022

What Annah & the Sisters have in Common

This week saw more sensational reaction to the death of Exit members, Lila Ammouri and Susan Frazier in The Daily Beast online magazine. Correspondent ‘at large’ Barbie Latza Nadeau (in Italy), was in detailed contact with me in recent days, in an attempt to set the record straight. While her article ‘Deaths of Arizona Sisters […]