I Bequeath the Python…
An easy and fun guide to prepare you for your ‘Passing Out’ parade

Killing Me Softly: VE & Road to the Peaceful Pill
by Philip Nitschke & Fiona Stewart. Now available direct from Exit International

The Online Peaceful Pill eHandbook
Updated 6x per year. Subscription inc videos + PP forums (on approval)

The Peaceful Pill Handbook
The original print edition for those not online

Going to Switzerland
How to plan your final exit

De vredige pil
De nederlandse versie van het handboek

Pilule Douce
La vérsion française du manuel

Die friedliche Pille
Die deutsche Ausgabe des Handbuchs. Gedruckt oder digital.

La pillola della quiete
La versione in italiano del manuale

La Píldora Apacible
La versión española del manual