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The Exit Internationalist


Tom Curran has been a director of Exit since 2010. Based in in the Wicklow hills, Tom is part of the Exit Swiss Friend Assistance Program, which provides support in that country to people who are seeking an accompanied suicide at one of the Swiss clinics.

In 2013, Tom’s partner of 25 years, Marie Fleming, took a landmark case to Ireland’s High Court and later to the constitutional Supreme Court, arguing that as a disabled sufferer of MS, she had a constitutional right to receive assistance to die.

Both Courts dismissed Marie’s case. However the legal action put voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide on the political map of the country.

Marie Fleming died in December 2013 of MS.

Since Marie’s death, Tom has become an active campaigner, not only for a right to die law in Ireland but for drug law reform including the use of medical marijuana.

In November 2020, Tom established the Irish Medicinal Cannabis Council.

Tom Curran is the face of Ireland in the right to die debate. Tom has represented the right to die movement in eleven countries across three continents. He has been the subject of two TV documentaries and appeared on national TV in four countries.

Tom Curran

Tom Curran’s partner Marie Fleming’s incredible life story is published as An Act of Love, available at the Exit Book Store.

In 2020, Marie and Tom’s story was made into a stage play and toured Ireland to great succes in 2022.

Listen to Tom in conversation on the Exit Podcast (recorded Oct 2020).

In January 2022, Tom Curran founded Exit International Ireland