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The Exit Internationalist

Exit Members have often used their experiences to speak out on voluntary euthanasia, assisted suicide & their human right to determine their own life and death.

These are their stories

Cath Ringwood

Cath died in early July 2022

Cath Ringwood died last week at the age of 72, after living many years with the multiple diagnoses of leukemia and breast cancer. We will miss her greatly.


Annah Faulkner

Annah died in March 2022

Annah Faulkner died at home in Tasmania. An award-winning writer, her suicide note is poignant, thought-provoking, life-affirming and tragic.


Laura Henkel

Laura died 19 December 2019

Laura Henkel had just turned 90 when she died in Switzerland. Her life and death is the subject of the documentary Laura’s Choice on Australian ABC TV.

Laura Henkel Read

Troy Thornton

Troy died 22 February 2019

Troy Thornton was 54 years old when he died in Switzerland. He had multiple system atrophy.

Troy Thornton Read

Professor David Goodall

David died 10 May 2018

On the eve of his 104th birthday, Exit’s oldest Member, Professor David Goodall, announced his intention to go to Switzerland for an assisted death.

Professor David Goodall Read

Rhys Habermann

Rhys died 11 January 2017

The story of Rhys Habermann concerns a young man diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma cancer. In late 2015, Rhys would become the youngest person that Exit has ever permitted to subscribe to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook.


Professor Avril Henry

Avril died 21 April 2016

Emeritus Professor Avril Henry was 81 years old when she died at her home in Brampford Speke in Devon. She died of a Nembutal overdose.

Professor Avril Henry Read

Martin Burgess

Martin died 23 October 2014

Former VEP Candidate for the NT, Martin Burgess, was a gentle, giving man who was ever-ready with a ‘darling girl’ or ‘mate’ greeting.

Martin Burgess Read

Max Bromson

Max died 27 July 2014

Former Voluntary Euthanasia Candidate for Sth Australia, Max Bromson, finally lost his battle with carcenoid cancer drinking Nembutal he obtained overseas.

Max Bromson Read

Angy Belecciu and Don & Iris Flounders

Angy died 2009. Don & Iris died 2011.

Don, diagnosed with mesothelioma, wanted to obtain Nembutal overseas. Don had little money but Angy, terminally ill with breast cancer and unable to travel, offered to help.


Christian Rossiter

Christian died September 2009

Chris’ story made news around the world when his nursing home in Perth sought declaratory relief in the Supreme Court resulting in the right for Chris to stop food and fluids, should he so desire.


Caren Jenning

Caren died September 2008

Caren was 74 when she was convicted of manslaughter of her friend, former Qantas pilot Graeme Wylie. Seriously ill with breast cancer herself Caren drank a bottle of Nembutal she had smuggled into Australia.


Dr John Elliot

John died 25 January 2007

On 25 January 2007, a month short of his 80th birthday, Sydney doctor John Elliott became the fifth Australian to travel to the Dignitas service in Switzerland.


Steve Guest

Steve died July 2005

Suffering from oesophageal cancer Steve came to public attention when he made a phone call to 774 ABC radio Melbourne pleading to be allowed a magic bullet so that he could end his suffering.


Nancy Crick

Nancy died 2002

Nancy Crick died surrounded by twenty-one family and friends. In the last years of her life, Nancy suffered from bowel cancer and had undergone three operations in which most of her bowel had been removed.


Lisette Nigot

Lisette died 2002

Lisette made contact with Exit at a workshop. She talked to Philip and said that she planned to end her life before she turned 80. She explained that she was not sick and that illness played no part in her decision.


Sandy Williamson

Sandy died 2002

Sandy Williamson was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) on 11 September 2001. Nine months later, Sandy took her own life with an overdose of the barbiturate, Amytal.


Shirley Nolan

Shirley died July 2002

Shirley Nolan was one of Australia’s most high profile sufferers from Parkinson’s Disease. Shirley took her own life at her home in Adelaide in July 2002.


Sidney & Marjorie Croft

November 2002

Sidney & Marjorie Croft died together, rather than risk being separated in death.

Croft letter on vimeo Read

Norma Hall

Norma died 2001

Norma Hall was had bone, lung and liver cancer. Philip Nitschke nursed her during a time where she decided to end her life by refusing food and drink. This was covered by Kerry O’Brien on the 7.30 Report.


Esther Wild

Esther died 1997

Esther narrowly missed the opportunity to use the Northern Territory’s Rights of the Terminally Ill Act to die. The Kevin Andrews Bill overturned the law and prevented her the right to die with dignity.


Janet Mills

Janet died 1996

Janet had suffered for 10 years from a rare disease known as Mycosis Fungoides. This is the same disease that the well known British actor, Paul Eddington from the series Yes Minister died from in 1995.


Bob Dent

Bob died 22 September, 1996

Bob Dent was the first person to use the VE legislation of the Northern Territory and became the first person in the world to die from a legal, voluntary lethal injection.


Max Bell

Max died April 1996

Max Bell drove his taxi to Darwin in 1996 to use the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act to die. Sixty-seven years old and suffering from stomach cancer, Max’s surgery had left him with constant nausea and vomiting.
