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The Exit Internationalist

January 1, 2018

Grain Media Want You

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Dear Exit Members,

My name is Josh Veselka and I am a producer working for a production company in the UK called Grain Media.

We are producing a 30-minute documentary about the Right-to-Die/Assisted Suicide movement with Philip Nitschke and Exit International as the central character and organization.

What I am now looking for are people willing to share on camera, their personal experiences with and related to Exit as well as discuss their circumstances and why they made the choice to get in touch with and/or join Exit.

Specifically we are looking for loved ones and family members of people who used tools or information gained from Exit to end their lives in the way they wanted. (This could be information gained from meetings or workshops attended or from the Peaceful Pill eHandbook, or from contact with other Exit members, etc.)

We are also looking for Exit Members who have used Exit resources to secure options for their or their loved one’s future so that they have a choice in how, where and when they end their lives. (Something in the cupboard so to speak)

And, finally, we would also be interested to hear from people who are considering joining Exit and accessing the resources and council they offer.

I understand that these are often private matters but I’m hoping that the more openly this is discussed the more options there will be for everybody in the future.As far as where the film will be shown, our partner is a Chinese company called Tencent Media.

Tencent is a progressive and forward-thinking Chinese version of Netflix that aims to expose the Chinese people to the broader world and this film will be broadcast in China. That said, Grain will be driving the series creatively and editorially.

Grain Media

As far as our schedule goes, we are looking to film between April 5th and April 15th in the UK and Europe.

I hope to hear from some of the Exit members and supporters out there to discuss further.

Best and sincere thanks

Josh Veselka


Grain Media

+44 7840 524 051


Below is a some info about Grain Media and more can be found on the website.

Grain has been producing documentaries since 2007, and our work has won over 100 international film awards since 2014.

Credits include:

  • 2017 Academy Award winning Documentary short, THE WHITE HELMETS
  • Emmy winning and Academy Award nominated VIRUNGA, exec produced by Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • MOON SHOT with Google and J.J. Abrams.
  • Critically acclaimed feature film comedy SUPERBOB starring Catherine Tate
  • Multiple episodes of award winning series THE CURE for Al Jazeera English.

Across our branded campaigns and commercials we have delivered content for Conde Nast, Nike, Diesel, Fosters, Tag Heuer, Samsung, Amnesty International, and Sony, as well as 2016 WaterAid national TV and cinema adverts.

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