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The Exit Internationalist

July 7, 2024

CLW Activists Escape Jail Tim


Two of the six former members of the Coöperatie Laatste Wil (CLW) were this week found guilty of distributing Middel X (sodium azide) amongst their members. According to a Dutch Court in the southern city of Arnhem, these six activists formed a criminal organisation to enable assisted suicide.  All those charged were over the age […]

July 5, 2024

Canberrans want Good Deaths Regardless of State of Health

Online Opinion

ACT citizens should congratulate Minister Tara Cheyne MLA and the ACT Legislative Assembly for passing the ACT’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2024 in June 2024. It is a monumental achievement to achieve the most progressive voluntary assisted dying (VAD) law in Australia at the first attempt. It will give many Canberrans peace of mind knowing […]

June 16, 2024

June Peaceful Pill eHandbook Update

Handbook Update

The June 2024 Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials update features a whole-of-chapter update on the Lethal Salts. The sale of sodium nitrite is currently in the headlines as the trial of Canadian former chef (and, according to Wikipedia, ‘sodium nitrite salesman’) edges closer. The number of alleged victims is increasing and the seriousness of the situation […]

June 16, 2024

Hungary’s refusal does not violate human rights

The Jurist

Hungary refusal of medically assisted death does not violate human rights writes Salma Ben Mariem in The Jurist. The European Court of Human Rights ruled Thursday that Hungarian authorities’ refusal of a citizen’s request to end his life by physician-assisted death doesn’t violate the European Convention on Human Rights. The case started with Daniel Karsai’s […]

June 7, 2024

Laura’s Choice Documentary Now Free on Youtube

The beautiful and lovingly created feature documentary Laura’s Choice is now freely available on Youtube. Documentary Synopsis Laura Henkel is eccentric, outspoken, feisty and 90 years old. She has decided she wants to end her life on her own terms. She does not have a terminal illness; she just wants to be in control of […]

June 6, 2024

Voluntary assisted dying laws have been passed in the ACT

The Conversation

The Australian Capital Territory parliament passed its voluntary assisted dying law yesterday by 20 to five write: Ben White, Lindy Willmott & Madeleine Archer The ACT now joins the six Australian states, all of which have their own voluntary assisted dying laws. Like the states, the ACT law will begin after an 18-month implementation period. […]

May 27, 2024

Sean Davison Leaves Exit

Resignation Letter

Dear Exit Community, May 31 will be my final day at Exit International. Although I’m resigning, I will always remain a loyal member of Exit, committed to Exit’s vision. Working on the Swiss program was one of the most rewarding and uplifting experiences of my life. The memories of the beautiful deaths I witnessed in […]

May 27, 2024

Swiss Clinic Pegasos Apologises for Failures

ITV News

As the debate around assisted dying gains pace in the UK, a clinic in Switzerland has apologised to the family of a man who took his own life without them knowing. ITV News UK Editor Paul Brand reports A clinic in Switzerland which helps hundreds of people to die each year has apologised to the […]