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The Exit Internationalist

September 7, 2014

Kerry Bromson to head Federal Voluntary Euthanasia Party

ABC Adelaide

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Kerry Bromson, the sister of the late former VEP Candidate for South Australia, Max Bromson, has taken on the challenge of National Convenor of the Voluntary Euthanasia Party.

Now living in Sydney, Kerry has said it was her experience in being with her brother when he took his Nembutal that has encouraged her to get involved in the end of life choices movement.

Max Bromson took his own life after years of battling carcenoid cancer.

His immediate family flew to Adelaide to be with him on the night.

Speaking to the media after Max’s death, Gary Bromson said he resented being made a criminal of, just because he wanted to provide support and comfort to his brother when the time came.

Kerry feels the same way.  ‘The law needs to change so that family members can be with their loved one when that person chooses to end their life’.

‘Max’s death was peaceful and he knew he was loved.  Neither his children, nor Gary and I should have had to place ourselves at the mercy of the law just to be with him’ she said.

The VEP is expecting to stand up to eight candidates in the forthcoming Victorian election on 29 November. Included among the candidates is Philip Nitschke’s wife, Dr Fiona Stewart, who will be standing for the Upper House in the southern metropolitan electoral region.

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