NuTech 2020 was held via Livestream on Saturday 26 September 2020.
The Theme of the Conference was: ‘The Dementia Dilemma – is the Answer Technological?’
- The Implantable ‘Plug’ – A New Solution to the Dementia Dilemma?
- The Practicality of Implanting a Lethal Switch
- The Evolution & Pharmacology of the 4-Drug Protocols (DDMP & DDMA)
- Nitro ‘Foam Frenzy’ for a Happy Hypoxia: or another way to bin the bag!
- Lessons from Self-Help Abortion: How to Avoid Reinventing the Wheel
- Methoglobinaemia & the Nitrite Conspiracy: Holy Grail or Failed Dream?
- New Strategies for Bio-Body Disposal
- Monoxide Magic – The dry powder generator
- A Common Gases Generator – generate up to a dozen different gases
Plus Several Updates on Recent NuTech Projects
- ReBreathing ReVisited
- Sarco X progress & Sarco 3.0, a flat pack cardboard ‘IKEA’ model
Need 2 Know
- Because of COVID-19, we are unable to offer in-room attendance.
The recording of the conference is now available.
The recording is free for conference registrants. US$75 for others.