Exit Citizen Science Initiative
Exit Bag Replacement?
For many years now, the plastic Exit Bag has created a reaction of revulsion amongst many. This is despite the fact that an Exit Bag + an inert gas can provide a reliable means of a very peaceful death.
With COVID-19 has come a new industry of positive-air pressure, Covid-safe Helmets that have been rushed to market to keep us from breathing someone else's virus-laden air.
In recent weeks, Exit has acquired the first of these helmets and at our R&D workshop, we are now considering the modifications required for it to become a feasible and more aesthetically-pleasing replacement for the plastic bag/ hood.
The Exit Citizen Science Initiative invites all engineers, inventors, mechanics and tinkerers to lend their 'smarts' to this and other technical challenges facing the evolving right to die movement.
* Funding is available for realistic projects with viable outcomes attached.
Exit Snippet Recordings
With the first two Snippets now completed, Exit International is making recordings of the Snippets available.
Each month's new Snippet Recording will be added to our new Snippets Subscription Publication, with the most recent Snippet added one month after the live event. A total of 11 Snippets will be available 2021 (from Feb - December).
The cost of a snippet for Exit Members has been set low, only in order to cover the production and licensing costs.
The Topic of 7 April 2021 Snippet: Drug Pre-medication & Potentiation.
Snippet Recordings 2021 Subscription
- Exit Members - US$25
- PPeH Subscribers - US$50
- Snippet Recordings are only available to Exit Members & PPeH Subscribers
New Blog - Campaign to Rewrite Rule Book
Can the Northern Territory again lead the world?
This week, a new campaign has been launched in the Northern Territory media with the aim of allowing the place that was the first in the world to pass a voluntary euthanasia law, to rise again.
Australia's Rights of the Terminally Ill Act only lasted 9 months (July 1996 - March 1997) before it was overturned by the Australian Parliament.
With Australia's States now rushing to legislate, the ban on its Territories doing the same is being called into question.
And while all the States are slavishly following the 'medical model' of yesteryear, the NT stands alone with a chance to learn from the mistakes of the past and to implement a world first 'Swiss human rights style' model of law reform.
Read our New Blog on the new Campaign & How the Territory came to be First?
* It was also good to see this week that the Australian state of Tasmania is one step closer to assisted dying for the terminally ill (almost dead) with their House of Assembly passing a new bill. This will make them the 3rd Australian state to legislate in recent years.
Territories: 0 States: Almost 3
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